Saturday, February 2nd, 2013
We have finally turned in all paperwork, gotten all of our vaccinations and visa work done, have communicated with the couple we are replacing in Johannesburg and are trying to finish up things here (like: what about credit card usage in Africa...will we be charged fees; setting up direct deposits and automatic bill pay; creating power of attorney for our children, just in case; getting contact info to take with us; setting up Skype to allow us to communicate with friends and family; selling one of our cars; figuring out what clothing to take with us; figuring out how much luggage to take - everything but the kitchen sink or minimal; watching programs and reading books on Africa - Everett bought a world map and hung it on the wall; packing up things and sending to Goodwill or selling them on Ebay - I've had silver serving dishes in storage for 20 years! I figured it was time to get rid of all that stuff; letting the neighbors know that we will be gone and our son will be here; Shannon is planning an open house (going away party) on March 10th, the same day that we have to speak in church; We're trying to figure out what in the world we are going to wear when we go to Salt Lake and Provo where it is very cold and snowing, since we don't have any heavy coats any more and they will not be needed in South Africa.
Our travel plans are being made by the office in Salt Lake. We will be leaving Austin on Wednesday, March 20th to fly to Salt Lake for Public Affairs training. We will be staying at the Marriott close to Temple Square and the training lasts through Saturday, March 23rd. We will leave for the MTC in Provo on Monday, March 25th and will be there through Sunday, March 31st. We leave for Johannesburg on Monday, April 1st and will probably arrive there on April 2nd...not sure yet because of the time difference. They are nine hours ahead of us. I found out the following about the weather in Johannesburg:
We can expect to enjoy blue skies and high temperatures during the
summer months. Between October and March, average daytime temperatures
are 28°C / 82°F. Evening temperatures feel pleasantly balmy.
Johannesburg enjoys pleasant weather all year round. One of the
reasons for such a great climate is the fact that Johannesburg is
located at high altitude, at some 5,751 feet above sea
Another reason is that there's often a light breeze, helping to ward off
extremely hot temperatures. Johannesburg's seasons are not always
clearly defined, with summer sometimes running and merging into autumn.Most of Johannesburg's rainy weather takes place during the summer. This
can range from light showers to thunderstorms. The latter can be quite
dramatic, but don't usually last for very long. Sunshine is sure to
follow soon afterwards.
Johannesburg downtown |
winter climate in Johannesburg is generally warm and dry. Indeed,
daytime temperatures can reach as high as 77°F. On the other
hand, it can feel quite chilly during the evening and it is not uncommon
to experience freezing temperatures at night. We need to come
prepared, then, to dress for mild days and cool evenings.
Many visitors prefer to visit Johannesburg during the early summer, in
September or October or in autumn, which runs from March to April.
Well that is all the info I have for now. I will post more when we are closer to leaving!