Saturday, March 23, 2013

Friday, March 22nd (2nd day of Public Affairs training):
Well it was snowing again today...harder than yesterday. We should have brought proper clothing, but we survived again in the wind and frostbite...ha. I can say again that the training is awesome. The Spirit is so strong that everyone was crying at one point or another regardless of the speaker.  We learned so much about the big picture of Public Affairs...that what may seem small in the bridge-building process may turn out to affect thousands. I wish I could share all the miracles and wonderful stories that were shared with us and the sense of importance that we now have about our public affairs mission.

The public affairs people who work full time in the Joseph Smith building where we had the training are such wonderful people. The church chooses well when they hire someone. We are more ready than ever to get started. A couple who recently returned from their mission in the Philippines told of their experiences and Africa is starting to look pretty easy after hearing that. They had to wash the cans, fruit and vegetables...pretty  much everything in Clorox to keep from getting E-coli and their apartment had no hot water, except the shower, so they had to heat water on the stove to wash dishes...and the bugs....yuck. But when they told us about the mission they were so positive and focused on how much they loved the people and how much they enjoyed the mission. That's what it is all about, isn't it? Anything the Lord has a hand in turns out wonderful in the end. WE HAD A VERY GOOD DAY! 

View from 10th floor where we had our training


  1. Wow! Nice view! I wish I could be there with you! Leo and i miss you!

  2. beautiful view sis your very lucky. love you.
