Wow, I am on February! Maybe there is hope that I will get caught up!

The first day of February was Sunday in Secunda Ward and it was Fast and Testimony meeting. The first one was the Branch President, who said,
"A couple of years ago I sat here alone because I did not have any counselors. Now I have two very good men as my counselors. There will be wonderful miracles if we are patient and faithful. Heavenly Father hears our prayers. I love my counselors so much and I know that Heavenly Father loves us. The Savior started this work and restablished it through Joseph Smith, who saw Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father."
Another young man Kazo, got up next and talked about how he is from Umlazi W ward in Durban. His job transferred him to Secunda. He wanted to go to Church, but the GPS said the closest Church was 80Km away. That seemed so far, that he decided to just drive around and see if he could find a closer one. He didn't even dress for church because he didn't think he would be able to find one, but he found it and decided to come in. He then bore his testimony of how the Lord helped him find the Church and his testimony that God loves each of us and helps us whenever we need it and go to him. He loved us so much that he died for our sins.
Brother Fourie then talked about how he also moved there in 1992 and was looking for a church. He then bore his testimony of the truthfulness of the church.
The next one to come up was a person nick-named Ace. He was baptized last week. We stayed after for the baptism. He was so happy to be baptized that it was contagious. You could not help but be happy for him. Some of his friends (or family) came to watch him be baptized, even though they were not members. But, today he is a member and stood up to say this:
"I want to say 'Thank you' to everyone who has been so nice to me and welcomed me into the church. This is the only church I will ever belong to in my life. It is a blessing in my life. Those young men that found me are still in front of me blessing my life. I love them. I love the Book of Mormon and know that it is true."
The person called to be the new 1st counselor in the Branch Presidency then stood up and said,
"I am happy to have this calling. I know that the prophet Joseph Smith gave up his life for the book of Mormon and no other man could give up his life unless it was true. I know that we must continue to strive to do the things that he gave up his life trying to teach us."
Then one of the missionaries, Elder Saunders said,
"I am sorry, but I found out I will be leaving you. I am being transferred and this will be my last Sunday here. I thought I would be happy, because this is a tough area, but I feel sad because I have grown to love you so much. I love this Church. It has brought so much joy to my life and the life of those close to me. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I will miss you. I am not close to being perfect, but I know that one day I can be and you can be too."
Then Brother Harrison, the oldest member of the branch said,
"I joined the Church in 1971. I'm here because wonderful young men had the courage to knock on my door. They came back four times. I went through all kinds of trials and tribulations. I never thought I would become a bishop, but I did. I've served under several Branch Presidents. There are things I've become concerned about, but we have no reason to be concerned, because the Church is true. This young man called to be counselor is wonderful and we need him to help us grow. If you want joy and happiness, then you need to go to church. I know in my heart that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are leading this Church. I believe in Joseph Smith and President Monson our prophet today. I love this Church. Even though this weather is hard on my legs...I have polio you know...I am here and I have people I can lean on. Elder Kyle and the missionaries help me to my car. They are my legs. When I read the Book of Mormon, I know that I haven't gone through half of their trials. Christ was such a good example; while on the cross he forgave those people that persecuted him. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. The Priesthood, which I bear, is sacred and powerful. I love all those who serve us in the Church. I love my wife that I've been married to almost 50 years."
Sister Fourie bore her testimony:
"I met a woman in my complex that needed help to move. I told her that I knew two young men in the complex that would help her move. She asked me if they could be there in 20 minutes. I called the missionaries and they came immediately and helped her move. Later I heard the woman tell someone how wonderful the missionaries are and how well behaved. I know that their good example helped this woman have a good impression of the church. How lucky we are to have such wonderful young men serving here in Africa."
I then bore my testimony...can't remember at all what I said...Ha.
The District President then said,
"I saw the young man in front of the church who asked me if Church started at 9AM. I didn't know if he was a member, but I could tell that he really wanted to be at Church. When I first joined the Church we met as a group in someone's home. We had sacrament and all other meetings, but did not have to worry about transportation to Church. Unfortunately, many members are inactive because they have such difficulty getting here. We will open up groups in their area, so they can enjoy Church, even if there are only five people, it doesn't matter as long as the programs are running. Ten to twenty members can form a group until one day it becomes a branch. Those things will happen. It's not impossible as long as we have faith and do our part. A good young man was called today to be a counselor to the Branch President. We need good leaders to help us grow our Branch. There is an upcoming Stake Conference in Benoni on the 15 and 16 of February. This time there will be no broadcast in this building. You have to go to the Stake Building. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in numbers. You will meet others who are coming from different areas. The atonement is to bring us back to Heavenly Father to repent and be forgiven. There will be blessings in your life if you do this. The missionaries have been called forth to teach the Gospel. I'm grateful for the leaders of the Church that guide and direct us. Through Jesus Christ, we can receive the peace that we need."
Monday, February 2nd
Monday in our devotional, the people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo were supposed to be here and we were having George Benet (Head of SE Area Office Facilities and Operations) introduce them and speak to them in their native language (French). But, since we found out as the last minute that they were not coming, plans had to be revised. George still spoke and he is good at telling personal stories.
Tuesday, February 3rd
We had our regular public affairs group meeting in Sean's office. We talked about the DRC visit and why the Visa's did not come through again in time for them to come. We spoke of Sean leaving for Rwanda and Burundi on February 6th. We spoke of the Law and Religion Symposium coming up in Cape Town and how we need to get the word out to our National Public Affairs Directors and couples in the various countries that we need nominations of judges or lawyers that should be at the symposium. We talked about Helping Hands and set up a meeting Wednesday to go out close to where Robin Padoa (newly called to be Area Director of Helping Hands) and discuss what the next steps should be to starting the ball rolling on Helping Hands in Southeast Africa. We discussed our trip to Botswana and our progress on the Country plan for the future. We discussed the National Director training coming up on March 6-7th and the transportation and hotels that need to be booked. Elder Kyle agreed to do this and reserve rooms for the conference training at the hotel.

Tuesday afternoon we drove to the house that Ryan is thinking about renting for himself, Liz and her family. He found it online for a great price and wanted us to go take a look, so we called and set up a meeting with the housekeeper and drove over there. It was a surprise that it was less than ten minutes from our flat. It's a nice older area with more expensive homes and lots of trees. We couldn't see much from the front because it is surrounded by a block fence, but when we were let in and got to see the inside of the home, we found it to be quite nice with a swimming pool in the nice, private back yard, a large patio with sofas and a professional size pool table, a room off the patio with a built in bar and seating areas, an outdoor cooking area...actually a great place to stay

There is also full access to a beautiful kitchen and free breakfast daily that the housekeeper cooks for you. There wasn't anything not to like. Upstairs are three bedrooms with their own large modern bathrooms, all with large soaker tubs and separate, nice-sized showers, nice, modern fixtures and king-sized beds in two of the bedrooms-twin beds in the other. On the second floor is also a small common area with chairs and full-sized refrigerator. It is very reasonable and the price is so cheap...amazing. Great find from someone living over 9000 miles away.
Wednesday, February 4th
We drove out to meet Robin Padoa and had a good Helping Hands Meeting. I agreed to make some changes to the poster, create a timeline similar to one he got from PA Helping Hands in California. It will actually be harder for us in the beginning to have him in the mix, but once he gets one helping hands year under his belt, he will be a great asset to the success of the program.
Thursday, February 5th
Thursday evening, Sean requested that I go and take photos of Sister Marriott and Sister Mkhabela for the article he is writing on Sister Mkhabela being called to the Young Woman's General Board. Sister Marriott is 2nd Counselor in the Young Women's General Presidency. Sister Mkhabela was very nervous about her new calling. I tried to assure her that everyone is nervous when they first get a calling they know little about, but she will be perfect for the job. She is well respected by everyone in Africa.

Her husband is an Area Seventy, she gets to go to Salt Lake at least once a year and be with some pretty amazing people, but most of all she will make a tremendous difference by letting SLC know what the Young Women's program is like in Africa and how they need to adapt to fit their needs. By now, I am sure she is settling in and will soon be a great contributor to the YW program. By the way, when I posted this on our South Africa Mormon Newsroom Facebook Page, we got over 7,000 people who read the article...a record! Everyone said what a wonderful woman she is and commented on how much we needed something like this to happen in true!
Elder Kyle's February Report:
To give you an idea of the things Elder Kyle is doing, he got this email from our couple in DRC,
"Can we get at least two more folders for 'Music and the Spoken Word' to use in Bujumbura, Lubumbashi and Brazzaville? If so, can someone bring them to Bujumbura next week? Also, if possible 10 or 15 copies of the Temple edition of the Liahona?" One of our jobs is to support our couples and national directors in other countries. We then scramble around looking for materials and asking if anyone is going there that can take them.
This one was from our National Director in Namibia,
"Dear Elder Kyle! Can you give more information on the
purpose of the symposium and if we had to invite individuals from our countries
what would we tell them/convince them why they should attend? How many
nominations per country? will PA cover travel and accommodation for the
nominees? When is the deadline to submit the names? Should we ask the
individuals if they would like to attend the symposium before we submit
the names? or we give the names first and then ask them if they are interested."
This one was for me from Sean: "Could you please put an item on newsroom Facebook about the visit of Sister Marriot and Stevens to Zimbabwe? I have their profiles. we can also link the item to a topic on newsroom."
I don't know what this email says. Hopefully Elder Kyle did: Jambo sana, Nash. Best Regards
CĂ©lestin, National Director of Public Affairs
In the midst of all this are project request forms from National Directors or Couples that need to be reviewed and approved, money to be reimbursed or advanced, credit card receipts from each couple and Sean to reconcile, and other financial stuff. That would be me doing that. Luckily I also get to design posters, take photos and write articles...enough creativity to keep me sane...almost.
Sister Stevens & Sister Marriott |
Me in my interview mode |
Also on Thursday, February 5th, Sean asked me to interview Sister Marriott, counselor in the General Board YW Presidency and Sister Stevens in the General Board Primary Presidency. They were going to be at the Home of the Area Presidency. They were late getting back from their busy day, but we finally connected and I asked them about their trip. They both loved their trip to Zimbabwe, where they felt the spirit of the people and enjoyed their humble testimonies. Sister Stevens told me that she had always wanted to come to South Africa, because her father was a missionary here in 1936...WOW. They were both very nice ladies and although our interview time was only 16 minutes, I learned a lot about them and about their choice of Sister Mkhabela to be on their General Board. I think we got along pretty well. It was nerve-wracking beforehand, but pretty easy once we got started. I think Sister Marriott was more nervous than me. Sister Stevens is the one with the dark hair.
Friday, February 7th
We got news that the visas came in for DR Congo and they were coming Monday, Februrary 10th! We began scrambling to put back in place the plans that had been cancelled twice before. We had to reorder food to be brought to the Area Office, baskets of goodies to be taken to their hotel rooms, re-alert those people in the area office to be included in the tour with our visitors, so they would be prepared to tell them about their particular department. We had to alert the hotel, reschedule dinner for one of the nights and figure out what we were going to do with them on Tuesday, since we only had two days planned for them and they were taking place on Wednesday and Thursday. One of the ladies in the Family History department decided we couldn't just leave them in their hotels, because they only speak French and don't know Johannesburg very well. She decided she would take them to the Lion Park herself with the aid of Felly, a wonderful young man who could translate for us, because he speaks French and is originally from the Congo. I put him to work on Monday translating documents of the Congo visit and Helping Hands into French and also our upcoming National PA Director's conference materials. We had hired him for the entire week, and I must say that was a great idea!
February 9th
We attended Stake Conference in Bedford Stake. We were asked to attend, because they were supposed to call the new South Africa National Director of Public Affairs. We were unprepared to see one of the most beautiful buildings we've ever attended and the largest. It is in a very nice area with a huge bricked parking lot. I guess the only way to explain it is through photos which I have included, but it was much grander than the photos show.

The Stake Presidency was complete changed, so much of the conference was about that. All the ones being released and the ones being called were asked to bear their testimonies. The new stake president works at one of our area offices and one of his counselors is in the office next to ours. The Stake President being released was asked to say a few words. This is a summary of what he said: "I recall a story by President Eyring. He was talking about Dalin H Oats in a weekly meeting with Elder Maxwell. He was asked, "What do you want to be remembered by when you are released. What do you think about your special gifts? What can you do? When he didn't immediately come up with something, Elder Maxwell said to pray about it. In D&C 78:17-18, it says 'Ye are little children and you have not yet understood. The kingdom is yours and the blessings are yours.'
"I learned so much as Stake President compared to what I was then to what I am now. I am better. One of the things I will miss is just listening to all of you. As Stake President, I sat apart new missionaries...what an amazing experience! From my counselors, I learned so much. It has been amazing working with these two brethren. I pray that I will be able to remember all that I learned from them and be able to use it as I go forward. I am grateful to have served and to all of you who have served so well.

I normally would be the last speaker at stake conference. Marked by my calling revelation has come and flows freely. Hearts have been penetrated by the Lord's servants that are here with us. No member can escape the challenge to serve with the spirit. We need to be more fully engaged. There was a small Dutch boy who saw a leak in the dam. He went over and put his finger in the hole to stop the leak. If we act quickly, we can do the same. By small and simple things, great things can come to pass. In Moses 1:39, the Lord tells Moses, 'This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.' As I look out among you, I see the purity of your hearts. Thank you for your example.

When I worked at a hardware shop, I met many people. One day I asked one of the employees (who was inactive in the church) about his family. I commended him for his diligence and then I said, 'Kenneth, I suspect that you know the Lord and love him, but do you know what he expects of you? Do you know as a husband and father what you need to do?' He is now active again. Look for those opportunities to care and serve others. You've received the gift of the Holy Ghost, many of you have received callings and have gone to the temple. Thank you for the privilege of witnessing the mighty change that has taken place in your heart. My life has been altered for ever from your love and devotion to the Savior. I want you to know that these things are noticed by the Lord.

I had a son that I was worried about. Another member stepped in and made a difference in my son's life. He went on to serve a mission. There was a break-in at our house, but the Lord protected us and we escaped. As Nephi in 2 Nephi 25-26 said, "We talk of Christ...We rejoice of Christ...We preach of Christ..." I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I have perfect faith in Him and trust him with my life. I am dedicated to serve Him. The new presidency will make great leaders...sustain them. As you listen carefully, act and support them the Lord will bring peace to your hearts. You will always be in my prayers. Use the talents you have and the Lord will bless you. Great are the tender mercies of the Lord. Great is the hand of the Lord in your life. The greatest gift I have is to know that Heavenly Father knows me and knows who I am. He knows us by name and answers our prayers."
The new Stake President said: "Thanks for your sustaining vote. I am humble to be called your new Stake President. I haven't done anything...I didn't apply for this position. It would be appropriate for you to sustain me, not to congratulate me, but congratulate those who have already served you. Our Father in Heaven loves us so much and wants us to return and live with him again. It is through our service and making those sacred covenants in the temple. He loves us so much that he took upon Himself our sins. I love Him for what he has done for me. The Gospel has been restored. The Priesthood has been restored. How much I love and cherish the Priesthood. I sustain Thomas S Monson as a prophet, seer and revelator. If we listen to him and follow what he says, we will accomplish great things together.
February 10th,
We got together for a FHE with the couples at the Shupes flat where Sister Naylor talked about Family History and ways we could be better at doing our own personal family histories. She showed interesting videos and was pretty humorous, but I think she inspired us all to work harder to get our family names turned in. She made it seem real that when we leave this life our ancestors will either be smiling at us because we found them and got their work done or unhappy that we let them down. She asked us not to let them down. Since our office is in charge of Hosting other countries, Sister Naylor was an answer to prayers!
February 11th - Area office hosting DR Congo for Family History Department
When Sister Naylor showed up (This woman is my hero...she is everywhere) to take our guests from DR Congo to the Lion Park Tuesday morning, she was met with a group of people speaking French that wanted to change the whole schedule, so they would have free time on Thursday. Not knowing how much work went into planning this event, they just assumed we could tour the office on Tuesday and have Thursday free. They didn't know that we had to reserve rooms, order food, coordinate schedules of the Area Presidency and others, print up a schedule that went into their goodies baskets, make sure Sean could be there, etc. Luckily, after some negotiation the Family History Department Head agreed that they could stay one more day and have their free day on Friday. They were happy with this and then went to the Lion's Park and had a GREAT time. Sister Naylor was wonderful. She is on a single sister mission in Family History, is about 6' tall, thin and very outgoing. It didn't bother her a bit that she only had a translator and herself not speaking French with two men and a women from the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As a matter of fact, she and the lady became really good friends without being able to speak each other's languages.
February 12th
On Wednesday, they were taken to South Africa Archives to lean how the Church had helped them digitize their records. The Church received a glowing report, the group learned a lot about what they could do to preserve their country's records and we were a step closer to getting them to accept our proposal to come in their country and digitize their records. When their ride from the office came to pick them up at the Government Archives at 3:30, the group told them they had a great time, but did not have lunch. We were told the Archives was going to arrange for lunch, but they forgot apparently. Felly said he overheard them say that the Church treated them much better than the Archives.
February 13th
Thursday was our big day. We arranged with Elder Hamilton to meet and greet them at 9:30 and when they got there all three members of the Area Presidency were there to greet them. This is very unusual to have them all there, because they are normally traveling separately to different areas of Africa. Everyone was introduced and then Elder Renlund took a moment to explain a few things about our Church. Both he and Elder Hamilton speak French, so it was pretty impressive.
After we were done there, we took them into our facility manager's office. He also speaks French, so they were able to converse and tell a little about themselves. I have no idea what they were saying but they spoke for quite a while. Felly translated, but I couldn't hear him. I was just there to take photographs and Sean was taking a video of the entire tour.
The next stop in the tour was at humanitarian services. Phillip (the head of the department) explained all the humanitarian work we have done, are currently doing and will be doing in the future for the DR Congo. They had no idea and were taking notes the whole time. I even learned some things that I didn't realize they were doing. We are making progress getting the word out there, but there is still a tendency to think if you tell someone you are tooting your own horn. I've finally learned that where the reputation of the Church is at stake, they need to know that 'We follow Jesus Christ' and do as he would do for those in need. They can go back to their country and tell their superiors that this Church cares about all of Africa and is spending a lot of money to help their people have better lives. They are creating fresh water sources for many communities that currently drink from infected streams and rivers. They teach neo-natal training to doctors and nurses and provide the equipment to avoid high death rates of newborn babies at birth. They have given away 3000 wheelchairs in their country, provided vision surgeries, glasses, vaccinations and more. The lady on the right also explained the Church's programs on drug, alcohol and other addictions.

We left there and headed for the PEF department (Perpetual Education Fund). They learned about how we loan money to those who would like to get schooling in a trade to help them find employment. They met a young woman working there (on right) who told them about how she took advantage of the program to get her degree. She now is working for the church and they were impressed by her...very sharp. Everyone on the tour was very sharp and nice. I was impressed.
Sean decided to take them to the distribution center, which was on our way to the Church History Department. He showed them all the things the church sells (not at a profit) so that its members can have what they need to study the Gospel. There is not a big French selection, but there are some. They were very impressed with photo books of the New Testament. Everything they liked, Sean got three of them and put them in the basket. They wanted Bibles to make sure we actually believe in the Bible, I think. They seemed impressed that we believe in the King James version of the Bible. They also got music CDs and a few other small items. I think Sean really enjoys that part of the tour (taking them shopping).

We then went to the Church History department where the missionary couple told them how as a Church we collect as many records as possible of Church members in leadership positions that helped establish the Church in Africa. They showed them an entire bookcase full of volumes kept by a member's family for 100 years. They explained how important it is to preserve their heritage by writing down what older people say and finding written information that people have kept or photographs.
Then off to the employment center where they explained how members and non members can come in and use the computers, faxes, copiers, etc to produce their resumes...they also are trained on how to create these things and how to interview well.
They spend a lot of time practicing with them in an interview, to make sure they know how to present themselves the best way they can. Most of them get hired from this training. The woman who talked to us first told them about her story and got teary as she told us where she started and where she is now. The lady with the red hair is the manager of the department.

This sister missionary explained how they get training on starting their own business and help finding the right business and getting funding. They seem to have thought of everything. They are teaching everyone to become self-reliant. Those who want to have their own business have all the tools they need through this department.
After this we went up to the Family History area so they could see all the different equipment we use to access records and also see how people who are not members can come into the library and look up their ancestors or put their known ancestors into a family tree that they create for themselves. Sister Naylor knows all the other connecting websites to make fun things with the information you put in there about your family.
For a break, we went to our 'cantina's' outside patio where Sister Shupe had set up snacks for everyone. I made poppyseed bread which went over very well with the Congo people and others. It was pretty good. We wanted to make sure they all felt well-taken care of and it seemed they did. We just spent about 15 minutes snacking and relaxing. We felt pretty good about having such glorious weather the whole time they have been here. No rain in sight the whole week! Blessings just keep pouring in.

We then went inside the cantina and the temple president and his wife explained why we have temples and told them how we were going there now to visit the outside of the temple. He very sweetly explained the work we do there for ourselves and those who have passed on to the spirit world. He spoke of Heavenly Father's plan and how important we all are to that plan. He read a scripture in the bible that said we could not achieve exaltation without baptism and then read the scripture about being baptized for the dead also in the Bible. All three of them are Christian, so reading scriptures from the Bible helped them to understand. He then talked about how Heavenly Father wants all his children to be baptized and return to him. Because of that there had to be a way that he would provide to make sure all his children had a chance to be baptized. It was hard to tell how they felt, because in their culture they often look very solemn, but it was well explained.

We then headed for the temple. It is all uphill, so they drove them up in the van, even though it is literally on the same property (but behind a fence and you have to walk to the street and around to get into the entrance). We gathered in the front of the temple and the temple president talked a bit more about the temple and I took this photo. It's kind of cool how the trees and clouds reflected in the glass.

Then we took a walk around the grounds guided by the temple president and his wife. We walked up lots of stairs to get to a kind of patio that overlooks Johannesburg. Everyone enjoyed the view, but quite a trek to get up there (for those of us with bad knees...Sister Naylor and I walked up the hill to the temple, while everyone else rode). This photo is of Elder Mabaya, an Area 70 that lives in the Congo and came with the delegation, and Madam Lanza an Archivist in the Congo, and a photo of the view from there.

We walked around the grounds while I was scoping out the best place to take a group photo and get the temple in the photo. Because the grounds are not that large and there are so many plants and trees and not a good view of the whole temple at once it was kind of hard. I wanted to take the photo here with them on the rock and the temple in the background, but I scratched that idea, because it would be dangerous for them to walk out there on all that uneven rock.

So we continued on until I found a side shot of the temple that I thought might work. As it turned out, with all the photos I took that one really was the best shot.

We then went back to the Area Offices to have some lunch in the Executive Boardroom. We had ordered platters from Olive and Plates, a culinary school with amazing food. It was quite an array of yummy treats and Sister Shupe had it set up and looking beautiful.
When done with lunch they went back the Family History Center Library to do their own family tree. They were so excited. Sister Naylor showed them how to input their info and make a fan of their ancestors. She printed them a color copy. They wanted to know if they could go back to their countries and do it there. She explained that it was saved online and they could do it from anywhere if they had a computer or phone. She said it made their day. They were so excited about doing family history.

While all this was going on, Elder Kyle and I were going to the mall to get the picture on the right that I took at the temple printed into a large photo and put into a frame that I had previously purchased. I made a backing to put into the frame that said some nice thing in French, plus had the Family History Logo and a picture of Christ with a little African boy. It had the name of the Church and the date and the temple name and location, plus we all signed it. We had to wait an hour or more, but finally got the photos printed. We hustled back to the flat and I put the photos in the frames, cleaned the glass and put on the backing we created. They looked very nice. Here is the photo.
That evening was our last evening together. Elder Kyle arranged with the hotel where they were staying to have a separate banquet room set up and dinner prepared. We invited the area Presidency (Elder Hamilton and Elder Cook and their wives both attended). We had the three people from the Congo, Sean, Elder Kyle and I, Wayne and Sister Naylor from Family History, Man and his wife from Madagascar that are in the Temple Presidency that speak French, Elder and Sister Shupe and Felly as a translator. Including the Congo delegation, we had eight people who spoke French. Through translation we were all able to converse. Sean had made a video of their trip which we played while waiting for dinner to be served. After dinner, Elder Hamilton presented them with the photos I put together. I watched one of them and he was thrilled to get the photo of them in front of the temple and I knew by the look in his eye that he would cherish this gift.
All in all it was a great trip and we made some wonderful friends from the Congo. They were excited to go back and report to their leaders about letting us digitize their records for them. Thousands of people in the Congo will finally be able to find their ancestors. The work will continue in the Congo, the temple will be built, and through that temple thousand of people from the Congo who have been waiting for someone to do something to help find their ancestor's names will jump for joy at the opportunity through baptism to progress.
It was a great week, but our work is not finished. Next helping hands and National Director's Conference. Whew! But as for this week, it was a good one!