Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, February 16th, 2014 Stake Conference

Sunday, February 16 we attended stake conference. The building was nice and like last week packed! The first speaker was a young woman who spoke about the author Jones who wrote about young adults seeing marriage as a cottage with a perpetually young and beautiful wife and handsome, strong, adoring husband. After they get married, they each think they have been robbed...this person isn't so perfect.

Marriage is essential to Heavenly Father's plan, but young people should neither want or expect the perfect partner. That is an invitation to disappointment. Only when you are perfect can you be perfect. In today's world, it is easier to get married than to get a license to drive a car. Marriage is  a risky business. It requires careful planning, praying and forgiveness. Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other. Love is not merely a feeling, but a deep unity. Don't just pray to find the one you love; pray to love the one you marry. Value and help each other an equal partnership. Don't expect marriage to be 'Eden-like'. There will always be differences. How you handle the differences will determine the success of your marriage.

I should like to urge continued courtship throughout your marriage. Polish your marriage until it becomes new again.

The next speaker was the Temple President's wife and Temple Matron, Sister Eppel. She spoke about the temple being a place of prayer, meditation and worship, a place where we go to experience joy and gratitude, especially when we have trials.

Temple President Eppel said, "I want to invite you on a journey to take sweet counsel for every individual today. On the temple is written, 'Holiness to the Lord - Holiness to God'. When you enter you feel a sense of peace, kindness, love and patience...a refuge from problems, a way to set aside the temporal world. Inside the temple, everyone is equal.

On Saturday morning, many youth come to the temple to perform baptisms. They have a look in their eyes of love and humility. As I speak to them, scriptures come into my mind about turning the hearts of the children to their fathers and the hearts of their fathers to the children."

I summarized the talks, but they were really good.

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