On Wednesday, May 21st, there was a special devotional (in place of our usual Monday devotional). General Authority, Bishop Caussé, was there. He is from France and spoke to the missionaries at the Provo MTC while we were there over a year ago. This was also a final farewell to Elder Renlund and his wife (The SE Africa Area President). Elder Renlund has been released from his duties in South Africa and will be returning to SLC to another assignment. His wife who was an executive at Deseret News and a lawyer before they left on to come to Africa on this assignment might be happy that she is going back to a place where she can do what she enjoys doing, but they both expressed their love of Africa and their reluctance to leave. The Benets will also be leaving and starting a new assignment in Salt Lake. George Benet has been in charge of Temporal Affairs for the SE Africa Area (He speaks French along with Bishop Caussé, Elder Hamilton and Elder Renlund). What nice people. We are sorry to see them go, but their replacements are also nice people and each person has something different to contribute. I apologize for not remembering the name of the new people replacing the Benets. It is a difficult surname.
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Brother George Benet |
(Benet still speaking) I would like to express my love to you. If in the English language there was a word or expression to convey deep gratitude, I would use it. It has been difficult but enjoyable. Beyond this assignment, the greatest joy has been to serve in the temple. It has been a privilege sealing saints in Africa to each other and their children. Almost all families who come to be sealed have deceased children. Now they are sealed together for all time and eternity. How happy I am that I had a part in that.
After George finished a sister, the wife of George Benet's replacement bore her testimony. I did not catch her name, but she said that she has five children - four boys and one daughter and 12 grandchildren. She said they were blessed to serve as mission president in Guatemala and they also spent a year in Germany - both assignments were with their children. She said this was the first assignment without their children. She expressed her gratitude for the gospel and scriptures that bring us knowledge, comfort and peace.
Her husband that will be the new temporal affairs director, in place of George Benet, then spoke (and I will again paraphrase), "I have been happy...even giddy to be called to Southeast Africa, but other times I have felt overwhelmed with the responsibility...how can we do it? As to myself, I'm weak, but with the strength of the Lord we can do all things. Our desire has always been to serve the Lord. We've felt the Lord's presence...His long suffering and patience. We are grateful to serve our brothers and sisters. We will be going back to finish our preparations to come here permanently and we are excited for this to be our home. We are so grateful for George and Carolyn's whole-hearted dedication.
I worked for the Church Translation department in March of 1982, my first assignment to Africa where I had two experiences. First, in Kinshasa of DR Congo for an early translation project staying at a hotel close to the mission office. One day when I had worked late, I was walking across the parking lot and saw a row of cockroaches. I didn't have time to eat, so I went back to the hotel and had a snack of M&Ms and went to bed. That night I felt something hard on my back, which I assumed was a cockroach. I smashed at it and threw it off me. I was so tired that I went right back to sleep. The next morning when I arose, I realized that I had killed an M&M and not a cockroach as I supposed.
My second experience was in Durban at KwaZulu-Natal University where I was working on translations of the Book of Mormon into the Zulu language. Those helping with the translations were not members. I read to them the passage in Ether, Chapter three where there was no light in the boats and the Brother of Jared wanted the Lord to touch the stones and make them light up, so they could see in the darkness of the boat. All of a sudden, the two brothers helping with the translation felt the Spirit descend upon them and they instantly knew that the Book was true. They wanted to keep reading. I know that the work we are doing is of the Lord. I know that the Lord will continue to help us do our jobs and we will succeed if we follow His counsel. He says, "Behold I am He who was prepared from the beginning..." I know that the things in the Book of Mormon happened (finished with testimony).
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Bishop Gérald Caussé |
It has been a tender week with beloved people leaving and new people coming to do the work. President Renlund and his wife are also leaving. They must rejoice in the wonderful five years they have had here in Southeast Africa. Elder Renlund has a deep love for you. Neither of them knew French when they came, but they learned themselves and both have wonderful French. You would never know that they were not native French speakers. It is difficult for them to get to know and love the people here and have to leave them, and hard for you to get to know the Renlunds and then see them leave.
Consecration is a very important law of the Gospel. Because we have made covenants in the temple, there is a higher law. When I was a young man in France, at a time when the Church was not very strong there, I took for granted the missionaries in the ward. I feared that when it was time for my own son to go that when the time came it would not be so easy. It is not easy for Senior missionaries to be away from their children and grandchildren. We've learned how hard it is to leave our family behind. We are very well acquainted with Facebook and Skype. Great faith, consecration and sacrifice is felt from all who come here to serve. We have a great love for those who are leaving. They all said they wanted to go where the Lord wants them to go. We may wonder why when someone is doing well are they released. I don't know... it is what the Lord wants.
What is George going to do? We don't know...we are still praying for it. George has trust and confidence of the Area Presidency and Presiding Bishopric who are very much aware of the great job he is doing here... a Christlike leader who can handle all the temporal issues, build trust and confidence in people and have great results. George is not about George. He is very humble. The best gift you can give him is to let him know you are able and accountable and will carry on doing your best after he is gone.
We tend to not like change, but when change is laced with hope and faith, it can present some of the most rewarding experiences in life. Maybe this is the only reason for change...to help us grow. When we think of Job in the scriptures, we realize that because of his trials he would not forever be the same. We need to stay close to the spirit, to be proactive, to anticipate what the Lord wants for us in the Church. There are great opportunities for all of us.
Last Sunday in the Utah ward the lesson was about Joshua and Moses. I thought about you. Moses was an incredibly powerful leader and prophet. When he died, Joshua became the leader and the prophet. The Lord told him, "As I was with Moses, I will be with you. I will not forsake thee. Be strong and of good courage. Turn not from it..." The foundation is always the same... the Lord Jesus Christ and law of the Gospel. I Express appreciation for the previous and new DTAs. Area President and Sister Renlund will continue the work. Members need to be involved in the work and salvation. The atonement is real - real in my life - a real gift in my life - The Church of Jesus Christ.
Sister Ruth Renlund then spoke:
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Sister Ruth Renlund |
The one thing I would like you to remember on behalf of the Lord and his Church is: Thank you for your service, your faith your diligence and your sacrifice.
Thanks to George. Years ago when I was released as Stake President, I felt I would get a pat on the back for a job well done, but that did not happen. I went to see my dad and complained about this. He didn't say anything, but at 6AM the next morning my dad called. When I answered the phone, he said, "I've been thinking about what you were saying and I have one question for you...Who were you serving?" Then he hung up. I learned a lot from my father.
It is a thrill to work with Bishop Gérald Caussé, with his Christlike influence with everyone; I would follow him anywhere. Thanks for being with us at this critical junction.
When we are assigned as a home teacher over time we come to enjoy and appreciate those whom we home teach...and there isn't anything we wouldn't do for them. We voluntarily link their happiness to ours. I came in August of 2009 because it was my duty, my consecration...the manifestation of the love I have of the Savior, but I have come to enjoy, love and willingly link our happiness to your happiness and I will forever long for your happiness as it is linked to ours. We have so loved being here and rejoiced in it.There is also a silver lining in our departure...We no longer need to fret or worry about French verb tenses. Biblical Hebrew is much easier.
God doesn't care what we were, only what we are and what we are becoming. This is a time God has directed...new bottles with expectation of new wine. The Africa Southeast Area is East, Central, South, Isles in Western Indian Ocean - a remarkable place filled with remarkable people. God bless our area and nations of this area - that our children will be protected. United we shall stand...this is absolutely key to forward progress of the Lord. Truth will go forth boldly until the purpose of God has been accomplished.
I once asked a group of saints in Africa what challenges they face. No one said anything. Finally, an older gentleman stands up and says, "Elder Renlund, how can we have challenges when we have the Gospel of Jesus Christ?" He taught me. People say you leave a piece of your heart. I am a heart surgeon...That is not possible, but you have my heart here with you, no matter how far away we are. Farewell my brothers and sisters in this great work we are asked to do.
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