Thursday, July 31, 2014

More July Activites-Ukhozi trip to SLC

Ukhozi Radio Station going to Utah with Bishop Sabela, Sipho Duma
One of the main things we experienced in July was the opportunity to document the largest radio station in Southeast Africa, Ukhozi FM, traveling to Salt Lake City for a tour of Church sites and the invitation to broadcast their station live from Salt Lake City. My job was to gather photos, videos and information as it came in from Sean in SLC and getting it posted quicky to Mormon Newsroom and corresponding Facebook page.

DJ aka Kansas City played 'Come, Come Ye Saints' intro
It all started many years ago when a DJ for Ukhozi FM, nicknamed 'Kansas City' decided to use a recording of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's rendition of 'Come, Come Ye Saints' as an introduction to his radio show. This recording became his trademark long before any of his listeners had any idea what a 'Mormon' is. Because they liked his radio show so much they also liked the song. Kansas City has since passed on, but his memory lives in the hearts of all his listeners. Some of those who listened as a child to Kansas City's program their parents played on the radio are now the generation that are running the radio station and are DJs themselves.

Because of this, a year ago Public Affairs Stake Director, Graham Sabela, hatched the idea of bringing the radio station based in Durban (where he lives) to Salt Lake City to honor Kansas City and to broadcast from the place that produced the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. It took a year of planning, but in July of 2014 a team consisting of two of the radio station's DJs and their general manager hopped on a plane going to Salt Lake City. Graham Sabela who is now a Bishop was asked to accompany the group, because of his long-standing ties and friendship with the Zulu radio station.

Elder Bednar giving gift to premier of KwaZula Natal province
Also, when Elder Bednar had been in Durban last year (while we were there), he met with the Premiere of the KwaZulu Natal province. During that meeting, Elder Bednar asked the premiere if there was anything the Church could do for him. He mentioned that he needed help with sustainable foods and ways of bringing his people out of poverty into being self-reliant. Elder Bednar said simply that with the Church's expertise in certain areas, they could help him. Ukhozi FM recorded that interview and it was decided that someone from the premiere's office would travel with Ukhozi FM to Church headquarters in SLC to see some of the humanitarian projects and food production and food processing and storage plants, as well as Church farms to learn ways that could help their people. Humanitarian has also been involved in Durban helping start some garden projects there. It only made sense that one of our humanitarian managers would go with the group as well.

At the last minute, it was also decided that Sean (our boss) should go to help transport the group and help with the financial aspect of the trip. Sean decided that he would video tape this experience and I would put it on Newsroom and Facebook daily. Of course there was a huge time difference, but we made it work. Sipho, our PA son from Durban and Kenneth from Humanitarian here in Johannesburg also accompanied the group on this trip.

Radio station group at visitor's center
The next week's schedule consisted of the most amazing places for the group to visit and an wonderful  time for these folks from Africa. Graham Sabela got off the airplane with his traditional Zulu outfit on. He wanted everyone to see he was from Africa (Shown here at the visitors center in Salt Lake). Bishop Sabela looked festive in his Zulu outfit that he wore proudly in the US. He got the others singing and dancing to some Zulu tunes.

This group may have had some jet lag from their long trip, but they didn't have a minute to dwell on it. They were busy from the time they left the airport until they came back to the airport a week later...a trip full of rewarding experiences and memories that would be the highlight of their lives. I wish we could have been there, but getting the reports back from Sean made us feel like we were.

Bishop Sabela on right at LDS recording studio
So, in addition to our regular work, this push for stories from Salt Lake took up a lot of time. Oftentimes I had to write the story based upon the photos, because Sean was so busy he did not have time. He had to get up at 2:30 in the morning and take the radio people to the Church broadcast center to broadcast their show live to the people in Africa!

They also went to the BYU studios and swapped stories about broadcasting similarities and differences between the US and Africa.

The videos he took were priceless, so it was all worth it. Most of us would love to visit all the places this African group visited.

Their experiences are best told in photos that I posted on newsroom and Facebook, but these are some that have not been posted...and they tell the story:

They visited many of the Church sites in Salt Lake City, including the Joseph Smith Office building and the visitor's center.

They visited many historic sites and enjoyed getting some homemade ice cream. And they checked out a vegetable garden.

They toured the Church humanitarian center and learned a lot about humanitarian work in Africa.

They got to attend a baseball game, eat hotdogs and fries and get the game's official baseball...ah...doesn't get much better than that!

They watched the Mormon Tabernacle Choir practice for 'Music and the Spoken Word.'

They watched a special performance of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with a featured, well-known performer.

 With them at that event was Kansas City's photo that not only proved that they honored him with the visit, but they knew how much he loved the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and would have loved to have been there to experience what they were experiencing. They all knew he was there in spirit.
They all got to sing with the MTChoir

During the Choir's practice, the group was invited to sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir...a chance of a lifetime. They actually sang and some were quite good...they took it seriously and how could they not be moved in the midst of angels singing?
She loved singing with the choir

When they were finished singing the song, the choir sat down while the Africa group remained standing and the choir honored them. Wow. Elder Kyle and I could not watch the video or look at the photos without it bringing tears to our eyes..very special.

Finding these Africans some cowboy wear

Luckily, they went at a time when many celebrations were being held for Pioneer Day, a really big day in Utah to honor the pioneers and the sacrifices they made to travel across the plains and gain religious freedom.

Because of this, the group had to be taken to a western store where they officially became cowboys and wore their cowboy hats proudly (maybe some reluctantly), but Bishop Sabela was having a great time.I hope his congregation was checking out the photos we posted. Bishop, you got some splaining to do!


And what do you do after you are all duded up with your boots, jeans and cowboy hats? Well first you go to the Pioneer Day parade and see some wonderful floats and marching bands and horses...

Then you must attend a rodeo, something they don't have in Africa. The team unanimously agreed that riding a bucking horse was not something any sane person would do.

Governor of Utah being interviewed by Ukhozi
And, as if that wasn't exciting enough, they met the mayor and then the Governor of Utah! These guys were truly receiving the royal treatment.

The media who was announcing the rodeo and interviewing attendees and rodeo performers after each ride, let Sibusiso do their announcement. He was a natural. I guess hosting a radio show must have helped. He certainly wasn't shy.

My favorite photo of them visiting Elder Cook's ranch
Then they were off to Elder Cook's ranch in a beautiful area where they got to ride horses, a first for most of them. The Cook's grandson bore his testimony after repeating his primary talk. Sean got that one on film and it was very sweet...reminded me of our two sweet grandchildren.

In this photo they are giving their salute to Elder Cook and the amazing time they had at his ranch.

Visiting Sean Connelly's family
They spent an evening with a very nice family for Family Home Evening and got to see how a family home evening is done, in hopes that they can bring that idea back to Africa to help families.

Sean's family loved meeting the Africans
And they spent time with Sean's sister's family and took a little hike, had great food and beautiful vistas in the mountains of Utah.

They took many more tours while they were there at welfare square, special Church monuments, like "This is the Place"monument commemorating the members coming into the Salt Lake Valley and proclaiming that "This is the Place.'

Ogden temple tour
Timing couldn't have been better for this group, because they also were able to tour the Ogden temple. A special viewing was given them before the crowds arrived and a small reception. They all walked through the temple with their hosts and even sat and meditated in the Celestial Room. Some exclaimed what a special experience that was for them.

The spirit was strong that day.

The trip to SLC from Africa was a great success and lives were forever touched by experiences they will never forget. I am just glad that we were able to report these wonderful events. Sean took the video and photos, -I posted them on newsrooms and Elder Kyle was instrumental in making sure the group got from Africa to Salt Lake City. This includes gathering visas, booking flights, etc. The group from Africa took a piece of Salt Lake with them as they returned to Africa and the people in Salt Lake definitely were left with a piece of Africa in return.

When the group returned to Africa, a large crowd was waiting for them at the airport, members who had been listening to the radio programs and those who just wanted to welcome back their friends and favorite announcers on the radio. I'm sure Bishop Sabela's congregation was well represented and the Umlazi Choir was singing them welcome songs. I don't know what the people at the airport were thinking, but we were thinking, "Isn't the Gospel wonderful and these people in Africa totally amazing?"
Welcome back to Africa - Ukhozi FM- Love the sign about Zulu Cowboys!

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