Saturday, April 6, 2013

Flight to Joburg

Wednesday, April 2nd . . .
our flight to Joburg was to leave at 9PM London time. We went through security and after the most thorough pat down that I have ever had, we got through security and walked to the closest store so Everett could get a drink, but when he reached for his wallet, he realized that he had left his wallet in one of the trays when he went through security. He went back to find it but it was no where to be found. WE said a prayer and the guy checked one more place and found it in the bottom of a tray on the other side of the security area stacked under another tray...just one more miracle.

This flight lasted 10. 5 hours. This flight was the hardest, because neither of us could get comfortable on the plane and could not sleep. They served good food, but it was too cramped to stretch our legs. finally I dozed a short while and when I woke up  I discovered that Elder Kyle and the man next to him were not in their seats. I could hear them talking in the back of the dark plane. I promptly put my legs up on their seats and enjoyed some relief.  When EK finally came back to his seat, he told me that the guy wanted to know about the church... He seemed really interested and Elder Kyle was beaming from the conversation. He will definitely follow-up with this man.


  1. glad you got your wallet Everett.

  2. i see your having a good time keep posting love ya.

  3. Natural born missionaries! Dad you make me proud! Mom, you are a trooper!
