Friday, April 26, 2013

Saturday, April 20th - Meetings

We got up and I fixed french toast for breakfast, then we went with the Murdocks to Victoria's market again, so they could get something they saw the last time they were in Durban. Elder Kyle said we could take them there if Elder Murdock would agree to drive. Downtown Durban is very busy on Saturdays and there are hundreds of pedestrians (all with dark skin). There is also the taxi district where dozen of white vans that they call Taxis pick up these pedestrians and take them home. If you get caught in the middle of that, you may never get out, so we let the experienced driver take the wheel. He did admit that the only driving he has done in Johannesburg is driving to and from the area office which is ten minutes away from their flat. He is as afraid of driving in Johannesburg as we are in Durban. After a few purchases...I bought a tablecloth and a necklace...we took Elder Murdock around the corner to a tailor to get fitted for his new suit. A custom suit $250-300 with a silk lining that contains the big five game on it...very cool, but beyond our budget.

We then went to lunch at Roma's restaurant downtown. It is on the 32nd floor and revolves, so the views are amazing and prices are really good for Delicious food. We had a mini meeting before our meeting at lunch with Dominic Tshabalala (National Director of Public Affairs for South Africa), Sipho Duma (Hillcrest Stake Director of Public Affairs ),  Sibusiso Mathe (Durban Stake Director of Public Affairs), the Murdocks and us. These are some amazing black men and very funny too. Plus, they can really eat! We had a great time and the view from up there was just fantastic. The place kept turning, so every time I looked out the window the view was different.

We then hurried home to get ready for our meeting. We picked up tablecloths and paper goods, then went to the store to get snack food and water. We then hurried off to the Chapel for our meeting. We got everything set up and ready to go.
Subject: Bi-Stake PA Meeting 4/20/13 -Conducting: Elder Murdock, Opening Prayer: Elder Kyle
Introductions:  Elder Murdock - Area Public Affairs...Sister Murdock - Area Public Affairs... Elder Kyle - Durban Public Affairs...Sister Kyle - Durban Public Affairs...Clive Reddy - Hillcrest (PA Interfaith)...Mpume Shangase - Hillcrest (PA Government)...Sipho Duma - Hillcrest Stake PA Director...President Patrick Thwala - Hillcrest Stake Presidency...Graham Sabela - Hillcrest, Bishop of Pinetown Ward...Meridan Creak - Hillcrest (PA Media)... Siphosiso Mathe - Durban Stake PA Director...Shareen McDonald - Durban (PA Media)...President Ray Holder - Durban Stake Presidency...President Charles Magaqa - Durban Stake Presidency...Dominic Tshabalala - National PA Director... Nokuthula Zikalala - PA Director Newcastle District - 
Spiritual Thought: Dominic Tshabalala - Elder Mkhabela:  Taught us about our  PA responsibilities to aid the stake President and he spoke about General Conference and how he got to shake all the apostle's hands. It was a moving story. Elder Murdock talked about:  Everything we do in Public Affairs comes down to Relationships.  What another person thinks of you and the Church will govern what you are able to accomplish. Call on Public Affairs for help!  Public Affairs councils are  here to help the inspired work of the Stake Presidency.
Then Elder Mkhabela turned towards me after the meeting was over and said, "Sister Kyle, you and Elder Kyle will be expected to summarize what just happened in this meeting to our Coordinating Council of Stake Presidencies and Area Presidency on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. So, we'll be reporting a week from tomorrow on this meeting. Of course, I said we would.

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