Thursday, August 1, 2013

Saturday, July 27 enjoying kids next door

Saturday we went out to Chatsworth to see what was happening out there and to try and catch the Director of the Centre, since he has not returned out texts. He wasn't there and not much happening. We headed back and went to the grocery store. By now, I am not feeling very good. I ached all over and felt very tired...had a pain in the middle of my back and had a headache, so I took an Ibuprofin and laid down awhile. I had so much I wanted to do, but it was not to be. This is supposed to be P-Day.

I slept about an hour and then felt a little better. I went down stairs and the little girl next door came over. We sat and decorated faces in a book with make up and colored pencils. I got this one day a few weeks ago, so we would have something to do if she came over. She's a bit bossy and independent...normal for six year old girls, I think. 

Later her brother came over to get her. They were headed to the Hindu Temple for services. Sonali was decked out in the customary Indian apparel. We had just started using some old makeup to decorate the faces and she was disappointed she had to go, but we told her to come back later.

They went outside and then her brother looked at me through the window and asked if he could stay with us rather than go to temple...ha. I shook my head 'no' and he took off. Boys are the same here too...Ha.

By Saturday night, not feeling so good again, but tried to blog anyway. You can't miss too many days when you are journaling online or you won't remember what happened. I had a list in my head of things to do today, but once again...didn't feel like it. I am hoping that I feel better tomorrow and get to go to church...praying for it.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I am praying for you to get better. Of course, hopefully by the time I catch up on the blog you will be better ;)

    If not, ask for a blessing.
