Then a Sister Chetty gave a talk about the love of Heavenly Father for his children. She gave many scriptural references and then read a letter from God to us based upon scriptural references from the Bible, as follows:
The next speaker spoke about obedience and said it was through obedience that the Plan of Salvation came about. He quoted John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..." Then he asked to whom do we have to be obedient? Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. He quoted Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me..." and 20:5 "Honor thy father and mother..." He talked about being obedient to parents, church leaders and spouses. He said that now days ambition tends to get the better of people...that the world becomes everything instead of God. He quoted Matt 6:24 "No man can serve two masters..." You cannot serve God and Mammon (worldliness).
He said that he recently read a book called, "Gods at war" and asked, "Who is the God that sits on the throne of our hearts?" He said that after his mission he did not renew his temple recommend, after all there is no temple in Durban, so...Then he realized that the temple recommend was not only about going to the temple, but about being worthy to have that recommend, to show God that your motivation is to serve Him. He said that obedience is voluntary...not by force or intimidation, but free agency...and that we should always show kindness to even those who are not obedient. We need to make covenants to become better daughters, sons, parents...No matter our struggles (We know we are not perfect), but to do the right thing does not require perfection. We have to learn and grow step by step. He said he is taking culinary courses and some can cut the carrots really fast with this large knife. He on the other hand cannot do it like they can no matter how hard he tries. The secret is that in a restaurant everyone has their part in preparing a meal. Someone slices the carrots, another cooks the gravy, etc. If someone does not do their job right, the dish fails. He challenged us to help others be obedient without being at it everyday. God doesn't care where you come from, but where you are and where you are going. He quoted Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us."
We then went to Sunday School and had lesson 28 "We must be chastened and tried." He spoke of Abraham and his wife Sarah and the trouble they had having a child and when they finally did have Isaac, Abraham was told to sacrifice him. He didn't understand, because God told him that through his seed which would be more numerous than the grains of sand by the sea, and yet he was told to sacrifice his son. He was obedient and would have done it, if God had not stopped him, but did you ever think about Isaac? He was obedient too. He knew what was coming and was not a little child like commonly shown in movies. His father was in his 90s. He could have said, "No way, you're off your rocker old man." But, he was going along with it because God had ordered it and their faith was that strong. He then went into an explanation of the gentiles being adopted into the House of Israel, about how we become Children of Christ and claim his geneaology through baptism as we become the seed of Abraham. Through baptism, Christ is both the Father and the Son...the Son of God, but the Father of us gentiles. He had us read a scripture in Titus that talks about how we should not be doing genealogy and he explained what the scripture meant, because all the begats in the Bible were important to those who lived back then. It was very important to trace their geneology back to Abraham. They would boast about the lineage and even make up things to prove they were the seed of Abraham. He then went into Jesus being a part of the Tribe of Judah tracing his roots back to David and Abraham. I am not explaining this very well, but it was a really good lesson and this guy knows his Scriptures. Very interesting.
She used the example: She has a degree in journalism and works for the newspaper. To get to places where she can get stories, she needs her car, needs it to be running, gas (she called it petrol), a map. She cannot leave any of these resources out or she may not make it in time for the story. She said we have to use all our resources for the Gospel, like scriptures, Ensign or Liahona, going to our meetings, being taught, serving others, teaching, going to the temple. Using the resources the church provides helps us learn truth, which in turn helps us to be obedient to that truth. She then talked about President Monson burning the field. She said we learn obedience at every step of our lives and that life would be simpler if we would just obey completely, but sometimes we learn by experience, like Monson's story of burning the weeds.
She continued, We are told to honor our father and mother, but did you remember that it has a promise attached? Promised are listed all over the Bible. 'If you do will receive this.'
Follow Jesus Christ and you are promised peace, progress, prosperous, eternal salvation and exaltation. We need to ensure that we continue to work in obedience to God.
Great pics of DAD! And some amazing lessons/talks! I love hearing about your Sundays. There are always great messages shared and it is like getting two Sundays for me!
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are feeling better Mom!