Today is our first day of newsroom training. After a really good breakfast buffet, we got picked up by Elder Murdock at 8:45 and transported to the office. Sister Murdock had everything set up, but when we tried to log on, she found the Bybees had not been set up properly by Salt Lake and because of the time difference there was nothing she could do about it, so she showed us on a screen some basics and then let the Bybees use her computer log in to go in and see how it works.

We started with an introduction to Mormon Newsroom, using 'Mormon' as a search word and how to write for a 'non member' audience. Then we learned how to add a new article and pictures to the Mormon Newsroom manager pages. We then had a break with some juice and muffins. When we returned we talked about how to manage topics, widgets and features. This all has to do with the items that appear along the top and sides of your recent articles. We then had lunch, an African finger food buffet. Sister Larsen decorated the table in African prints. She is very good at making a table look great. Her husband works in the area office and they have her doing miscellaneous things. They go home in a few weeks.
After lunch we worked on our individual country newsrooms and the stories that we brought with us from our areas. Sister Murdock told me that I was given access to all of the newsroom websites in Southeast Africa, because that will be my responsibility when I come to the area office to take her place the end of November. She would like me to edit and submit the articles now. Yikes! They have to go through 3-4 people for approval. I would be the first one in the line, I guess.

We finished a bit early, because we had appointments at the temple. Sean Donnelly and his wife, Diane, Elder and Sister Murdock, Elder and Sister Bybee, Samantha, another couple from the area office serving a six month mission and Elder Kyle and I were going. Everyone was excited, because it had been quite a while for many of us and we had heard good things about the session. We drove over, even though we could have walked, because we were going to dinner afterwards. The temple is very small and so cute. We really enjoyed seeing it and the sweet people who work there. It was a special experience.

After our session was done, we piled in the van (the extra couple in their car and Sean rode with his wife who met us there). No one knew exactly where the restaurant was so we kind of got lost but found it eventually. The place, Moyo's at Zoo Lake, is supposed to be authentic African food. By coincidence it also happens to be Samantha's last name. We teased her about holding out on us and not letting us know she owned a restaurant. She just rolled her eyes. Their motto is "Moyo is the realization of one man's passion for all things African, from art and design to music, cuisine and crafts."

The place was really fun and the ladies working there so cute. The menus were large hammered metal and very heavy. We were waited on by the cutest waitress, who had lots of personality and smiles. I had the best salad. Elder Kyle and Elder Bybee had Kudu steaks, but they were too rare and had to be cooked further. Once that happened they were pretty fine with it. I had a great salad with an African flair. Everyone liked their food and the ambiance.

A group of African women in authentic costumes came to our table and sang us an African song. It was really good. The waitresses also sang an African Happy Birthday song to the people at the next table.
Then a lady came along painting faces in a traditional African design. Sister Murdock, Samantha and another lady had theirs done. Samantha's looked the best, because of her dark skin.
I found out that she has been divorced for many years and has three grown or almost grown children. She and her parents have been members for many years. Her husband was not a member and she divorced him many years ago. She graduated from college and is a pretty sharp cookie.
Samantha Moyo |
I asked her what she thought of Americans and was not fully prepared for the answer, though I can see her point. She asked me if I really wanted to know and then she said she thought they thought they knew everything. Apparently, she ran across some senior missionaries in Zimbabwe that acted like he was going to teach these black people a thing or two, as if they were ignorant. He even admitted that his parents were prejudiced and he had to try not to be. I was sorry that she had the impression and I think by the end of our training she liked me and at least knew that we are not like that...At least I hope so. We had a great time that night, but got back to the hotel late. Elder Murdock told Elder Kyle to make sure that Daryl from Angola got in and was checked into the hotel and that he knew about being picked up for training the next day at 8:45. Apparently, he could not get off work both training days. He is not one of our public affairs people, but volunteered to do the Mormon Newsroom for Angola when the other person said they didn't know if they could. He is very smart and well acquainted with computers. So, tomorrow is another day...good night.
You can really see how much fun Dad is having in that training room...LOL He loves things related to the computer..haha. Should be right up your ally though Mom!
ReplyDeleteThat restaurant looks very cool. And what great entertainment!
And how much fun it must be to be able to go to the temple in Africa! I am so jealous!