Sunday, November 10, 2013

Monday, October 28th through Saturday, November 2nd-PheZulu Safari Park-zulu village

Monday, we had family home evening at the McEwens, the new couple. We wanted to initiate them quickly...ha. They decided to play a Pictionary game, where we pulled a scripture or a hymn out of a jar and then drew on the wipe board to get people to guess the scripture hero or hymn title. This was very entertaining. We all did pretty well. I had the hardest one, "Hark all ye nations" but after enough hints from everyone they guessed it. The guys were really good at stick figures...very creative. We then discussed the McEwen's concerns about the project that President Zackrison assigned to them. He asked them to get the information out to the missionaries and the manual that talks about their emotional well-being during their mission. We gave suggestions and helped them understand a bit better what we thought the President had in mind.

Elder Kyle was not feeling well this past weekend, so he went in to see Dr John and he gave him some pills to check for angina. The pills made Dr. John think it was not angina, so he advised going to a cardiologist for a stress test to make sure nothing else was going on. Going to doctors here is so much easier. Things happen more quickly...results are back quicker and appointments are fast. Because of a pain in his chest, Elder Kyle was worried about his heart, but we are happy to say that after the tests, nothing real serious has cropped up. The doctor found a small problem and gave him some blood thinner pills and he is feeling much better. Mostly he is not as worried about it. Sometimes the worry can cause worse symptoms. We are continually blessed on this mission.

We don't have much time here in Durban, so we are trying to get caught up and ready for when our replacements arrive. I have been cleaning emails off the computer and trying to figure out how to go about getting all our photos onto a disk big enough to save them all and take them with us.

Elder Kyle is still working on the Ixopo project, some items discussed with the premier when Elder Bednar was here and Disabled Month and the possibility of giving away two of our wheelchairs on Ukhozi FM. I have been writing several helping hands stories for the newsroom, creating flyers for the open house in Phuthaditjhaba, and various other tasks.

On Saturday, the Holts asked us if we wanted to go to Thousand Hills with them and the McEwens. We had not been there, so we followed them out there. It was a beautiful clear day and the views were amazing.

Against the backdrop of the world famous Valley of 1000 Hills, is the location of the PheZulu (meaning high up) Village. Here at the PheZulu Safari Park, visitors are able to truly feel the rhythm of Africa, by getting an inside look into the Zulu culture and its fascinating lifestyle and rituals. 

PheZulu Safari Park is also home to a remarkable collection of reptiles, including the African Python and other indigenous snakes, as well as the Nile crocodiles. But stealing the show is Junior. And don’t let his name mislead you! Junior is a 4.5 meter crocodile who is believed to be over a hundred years old. With these credits to his name, Junior is the oldest and biggest crocodile in captivity.

There were lots of crocodiles, all being pretty sluggish and lazing in the son with a few taking a dip in the water with green algae like stuff all over the top of the water, making the crocodiles seem rather ghoulish in appearance, rising out of the green stuff with it covering their bodies. Perhaps it was provided by the park for cover...not sure.

There were all types of snakes. We were wishing our son-in-law was there to tell us about the different types. There was a HUGE python in a large area all by himself and seemed to be sleeping. There was a flat head snake that looked pretty odd and one where part of his body was flat too. He looked like he had been run over by a car, but that is just how he looks. There were rat snakes, corn snakes, rattlesnakes and more, plus these really interesting green adders that were amazing to see. Wrapped around the green plant, it was hard to tell the snake was there, which I guess is the idea of it being green.

There were also turtles, Iguanas and Lizards. The iguanas were a beautiful color and very large. There was a leopard lizard that hid under a log and another that was called the same, but didn't look anything like the other one.

We couldn't leave without saying good by to the giant boa. Unfortunately, he would not pose for us. Those snakes have a mind of their own.

We then headed back over to the village for the show that was about to start...where we would learn what a typical Zulu village was like years ago and maybe even today in some areas.

We started by being seated in one of the huts. You have to bend low to get in the opening to the hut, but once inside it seems quite spacious. They took us to the cooking hut first where all cooking is done for the family. They demonstrated how the primitive cooking utensils were used to create their main food supply cooked over an open fire in the center of the tent. There was no hole in the ceiling, because they wanted the smoke to further reinforce the ceiling and keep it sealed from rain. How they did not become overcome with smoke is a mystery, but they had a fire in each hut for warmth, so there was no escaping it. A lot of the Zulus are heavy, but I don't think it is as much because of overeating, but because of the Pap, which they use a lot and it has little nutrition, but is very starchy.

We went from there to the Chiefs hut where he holds all his meetings with tribal leaders, etc. He looked and acted a bit formidable. In the old days they smoked marijuana as they conducted their meetings. He is holding the pipe. It reminded me of the Native American peace pipe. They talked a lot about how they made their beer. It was made by each tribe.

The final hut was the main gathering hut. The women would sit on the right side of the door and the men on the left side of the hut, so they can protect the women and children if someone breaks into their hut by having their spears in their throwing arm ready to go. If a man was left handed, he had to learn how to throw with his right hand.

Elder Kyle comparing footwear

We then walked over to the place where they put on their traditional Zulu dances. Elder Kyle was comparing his cowboy boots to this one guy's feet. I'm not sure why, but the guy got a kick out of it.

The dance they put on had to do with this guy asking a woman to marry him. When a man is interested in a woman, he has to give her 14 cows, but he also has to get her to agree to marry him. It involves a lot of talking and posturing

In this instance, the woman was not accepting him and he had to keep telling her that he was giving her parents 14 cows. She would tell him that she did not believe him. Then she would tell him she would not marry him and did not love him, but he just kept at her until she agreed. It was pretty funny, if that is the way they really did it. At least she had a choice, but I wouldn't have picked the guy...Ha.

Then when she accepted, he had to go to the fortune teller to find out if she was a good one to marry. The fortune teller would tell him if she was going to be a good wife or not. In this instance, the fortune teller had an young girl as an apprentice.

Once the fortune teller told him that his fiancé would make a good wife, then they all celebrated by doing their traditional dance.

Then the wedding would take place with more dancing by the men and woman and music played on their drums. The bride wears a special red hat... Interesting.

The amazing location looking out at these beautiful hills was fun, but look at that fence. They would never get away with that in the US. There is a steep drop-off on the other side.
A man's home is his castle!

Everett and the fortune teller

Elder Kyle has a new girlfriend, the fortune teller!

This is one of the dancer-singers with her little one...back to the reality of being a mom. That is Sister Holt in the background and Elder McEwen on the left.

After we left the village, we went down the road a bit to a place with some shops and a restaurant and had some lunch. This was the view we enjoyed while eating our lunch. The food was good, the company was great and the view was spectacular! A great way to spend our P-Day!

Of course some shopping was done as well. Sister Holt is the master shopper. It was fun.

Sunday night was the airing on Ukhozi FM of Elder Bednar's interview. It did not start until 10:30 PM.

I was not feeling well at all, so I conked out about 9:30 and we forgot all about listening. Luckily, Elder Murdock captured about 12 minutes of the interview and what we heard sounded great. We are waiting for the station to give us a copy. They assured us that they would.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunday, October 27th Elder Bednar and wife talk about temple coming to Durban

The following is our Sunday meeting and it was mostly about the temple being built here in Durban. I write pretty fast, but the following is my interpretation of what is said. I cannot write fast enough to do it word for word, so these are not exact quotes, but pretty darn close.

Sister Bednar spoke about how she had a young women's leader who during one of her lessons brought her wedding dress and a photo of the temple where she got married. "I wanted a temple marriage. When Elder Bednar and I got married, we knelt across the altar from each other. I remember a feeling of peace and excitement I had that day. I'm sure many of you have had those same feelings. We took some friends though the temple open house in Rexburg, Idaho and we told them to look in the mirror in the sealing room and tell what they see. When they looked at their own image, that is all they could see, but when they looked at their companion in the mirror the image went on forever.

Say a prayer of gratitude every time you go to the temple. I remember sitting next to my aged mom in the temple. She took my hand, squeezed it and said, "I love you." She then mouthed the words to my dad. We attended the funeral of a man who my husband helped getting his life in order 20 years ago. He helped him with his challenges. Viewing him in his temple clothes reminded me that we can always repent. Last November in Louisville Kentucky where my son lives, we were able to go to the temple and do work for my husband's aunts and uncles. As you look forward to the wonderful temple to be built in Durban, pay special attention to the dedicatory prayer, which will bless you and your families.

Elder Bednar spoke next. He talked about the people he works with. He said President Monson is 86. He has the usual age related issues, like forgetfulness, but he remembers well enough for his age and he is very much in charge of the church. Elder Tom Parry is 91 and he is as vigorous and vibrant as ever. When invited to speak, he jumps up from his chair as if spring loaded. I couldn't even do that at my age and I'm about 30 years younger. I invite any among you to try and keep up with him. Elder Boyd K. Packer had polio as a youth and as it often does in old age, the polio has returned. Also, as a pilot in WWII, fumes from the airplane weakened his lungs, but his mind is as vibrant as ever. Elder Nelson is 89, but looks 55. Perry when addressing him, says "Well Kid." He is is the same in private as he is in public.

Elder Bednar
You will be getting a temple in Durban (and no, I am not here to tell you where and when). With a new temple comes a warning and a blessing. First the warning: I used to be president of a stake where the members were very spread out. The closest temple was seven hours away. We had more temple attending people in my stake than the other stakes closer to the temple. The people that lived closest to our stake center were always late getting to church. The ones farthest away were on time or early. When our stake was formed, we got a new temple in our area. I told them they would be like the ones who come to the site to take pictures, but won't have time to go to the temple when less sacrifice is required...then they will take it for granted. Beware of is real. People who live hours from the temple may attend more often than when they are right next door. It happens.

Now a blessing: The Church will be on everyone's mind, during this time of the Durban temple being built...all will be in the spotlight (What is this building? Why so secret? What can we do?). If you begin to panic at having to ask all these questions, just attend primary for three weeks. The answers are ones you learn in primary.

Oakland Temple
I grew up in California and was 12 years old for the dedication of the Oakland temple. There was a petition of people who were worried about Mormon's bringing all those dead bodies in the temple to get baptized...that's what they thought. Don't be afraid to tell others that all people will have the opportunity to be baptized. Some have the opportunity on earth. Everyone who has died has the opportunity to know the Savior and receive the ordinances. Other religions do not have an answer for 'What about all those people who don't hear about the Gospel?' You cannot force something on someone. We all have our free agency. We provide ordinances and the people have the right to accept or reject those ordinances. They are only valid if the person chooses to accept them.

Many people do not know the difference between our ward buildings and the temples. They may ask, "Why don't you let people come in there?" It is not because it is secret. Temples are like where you go to do spiritual graduate work. The Chapel is where you do your under grad work. You have to learn the basics in Chapels before you can go to the temples to learn more.

You will also get questions about the Bible. People will interpret a scripture in the Bible to mean that no more scriptures should be added. Keep in mind that when this scripture was written there was no such thing as the Bible. Some people believe that the Bible is perfect. If the Bible refers to books that are not there, then it is not perfect. There were numerous translations of the Bible. Imagine a board that you want to attach to another board. If you put a nail in the middle, the top board will move back or forward or complete around in a circle, but if you add another nail to that board of truth it will not spin. The Book of Mormon makes the Bible even more powerful. Together they form a complete testimony of the Savior.

Never be afraid to give a reason for the hope that is within you. If you are concerned, go to primary for a few weeks and you will have all your answers. Tell those who are not members the real name of the church and what it means: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Tell them you believe in God the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Let them know that you believe that Jesus Christ, as the only begotten son of the Father, marked the path and led the way. The purpose of this life it to learn to grow and be like Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ's sacrifice made this possible.

Jesus Christ is not a building. The Apostles were killed and the Church of Jesus Christ was removed from the earth. Prophecy in the Latter days caused the ancient church of Jesus Christ to be re-established. A saint is nothing more than a member of Christ's church. Paul addressed a letter to the saints, speaking to them as members of Christ's church.

Joseph Smith in Grove
Joseph Smith did not go simply to ask which church was true. He asked which church he should join. He wanted to take action. During his humble prayer, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him if he would be obedient and faithful, the true church would be established on the earth again. Tell people that they too can pray about whether this is true. Test it. Learn about it and pray about it. By the power of the Holy Ghost you will know. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you will find answers.

I have been all over the world and the Church is the same no matter where I go. That is because Jesus is the head of this Church, not man. In these churches I visit, families love each other and know they can be together forever. This knowledge helps and enriches their marriage.

The great event of Joseph Smith seeing the Father and the Son tell us the Nature of God. We learn three things from our understanding of this event: (1) We accept that God Exists (2) We have a correct understanding of the nature and attributes of God. This is vital in the restoration of Jesus Christ's church (3) We have knowledge that the path we are pursuing in this life is the correct path. We must fight the temptation to be selfish. Do not keep this knowledge to yourself.

Someone who knows the true nature of Christ wants to be like him... to help others. In Joseph Smith's translation, he says that Jesus sent angels to minister to John who was in prison, when he himself was suffering. That is the character and nature of Christ. At the last supper, Jesus knows he is about to die, but anticipating the ordeal, he tries to comfort the apostles, even washes their feet. When he was dying on the cross, he tried to help the thieves beside him by telling them that 'today you are going to be with me in paradise.' As his suffering grew even greater, he asked forgiveness for those who put him there, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." He told John to take care of His mother. That is what we are trying to achieve... to put off the natural man and selfishness and think of others before ourselves. Put off the natural man and become a saint. Turn to Christ and quit looking back. Repent and turn again to the Lord. Turn away from sin to Christ. As we press forward and follow him, the natural man is set aside and our nature becomes like His nature. Blessings are available to every latter day saint. In the ordinances of the Gospel, the power of the ordinances are made manifest. Being fundamentally transformed to new creatures in Christ, if willing, He makes of us more than we could ever be on our own. Don't ever be casual about having access to those temple ordinances. Encourage young people to identify ancestors that they can do ordinances for when the temple is built. You are promised extra blessings of spiritual growth, as you do these things.

Young people are most afraid of being alone. The Spirit of Elijah helps you know how you are connected. I know a 15-year-old that played video games six to eight hours a day. His parents were so worried about him. They didn't want him to do it, but he was addicted to video games. Someone got him involved in family history by asking him to do indexing on the computer. He found out that he didn't feel hollow like he did playing video games. He started to catch the spirit of Elijah. Late at night he would work so he could clear three more names, but his parents didn't mind, because he was doing a wonderful service for the Lord. Family History is not just for old people. We could easily make those 12 and older family history specialists, because their fingers are so fast from all that time texting and playing video games. Young people: Go to the temple and be baptized for the dead. Ask for names from your family or members of your ward. Respond in faith and there will be a protecting in your life, in a world that is growing more and more wicked. Being worthy to be in the temple will also help you go on to serve a mission.

Please don't take the temple for granted. Three years after it is dedicated, I will be back to see how you are doing. This is a remarkable Durban moment. It will be so exciting. I expect primary attendance to go way up (chuckles). Become like Christ. Tens of thousands of ordinary latter day saints can shake off the natural man. That's what this is all about. I declare my witness as an Apostle that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost live, they are real. Use your ears to hear the warning and your eyes to see the future.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Saturday, October 26th driving around general authorities for conference in Hillcrest Stake in Durban

Today is our day to drive around the General Authorities. We drove to the hotel where they are staying to pick up three of the wives and take them to Pinetown Ward for the Women's Conference with the wives speaking. We were supposed to take Sister Curtis, Sister Jones and Sister Zackrison. The others were in another van. Sister Curtis is the wife of the Executive Secretary to the Area Presidency in Joburg. She and her husband are going home soon, so Sister Jones is the wife of the new executive secretaty and of course Sister Zackrison is the wife of the Mission President. Sister Zackrison chose to drive on her own, so we just had the two. Sister Jones and I got to visit in the van while we were waiting for Sister Curtis. She told me that her husband has a serious disease that was very touch and go for awhile, but it is in remission and his 'team' of doctors said he could come on this mission. We see such amazing sacrifices from people who have all kinds of issues and yet they are here. It is just amazing.

Elder Kyle did a great job of driving us to the conference and waiting around for us while we listed to some pretty great talks. Sister Christensen, wife of Presidency of the Seventy spoke about how important a testimony of the Book of Mormon is in our lives and the significance of it's pure testimony of Jesus Christ. She quoted Enos 1:16-18: "And I had faith, and I did cry unto God that he would preserve the records; and he covenanted with me that he would bring them forth unto the Lamanites in his own due time. And I, Enos, knew it would be according to the covenant which he had made; wherefore my soul did rest. And the Lord said unto me: They fathers have also required of me this thing; and it shall be done unto them according to their faith; for their faith was like unto thine."

She also quoted Isaiah 55:11: "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Then Sister Christensen said that the Book of Mormon was saved for us, so we can get stronger. It was meant to succeed, to bring about many souls unto Christ. It cannot fail..."It shall not return unto me void." Pray about the truthfulness of the Gospel. Revelation is given to us individually and blesses us through our prayers. In Alma, Chapter 8 it talks about wrestling with God. I can imagine a little boy actually wrestling with himself to know if these things are true. As you ponder the things you want to know, do you put forth the effort and exhort faith? President Monson works in the temple and prays for hours for his revelation. Then he studies it out in his mind. President Christensen said he saw him pray for hours and study it out in his mind when he thought about lowering the missionary age. Finally he went to the temple and the Lord Spoke. God loves us. Ask him to fill us with the Holy Ghost. Ask if Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. D&C 8:1-3, God spoke to Oliver Cowdry in response to his question about receiving revelation,  "...verily, verily, I say unto you that assuredly as the Lord liveth, who is your God and your Redeemer, even so surely shall you receive a knowledge of whatsoever things you shall ask in faith, with an honest heart...Yea, behold I will tell you in your mind and in your heart by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation; behold, this is the spirit by which Moses brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea on dry ground."

So what if there is an absence of an answer when you pray? What would Heavenly Father want us to do? Go forward as if the answer is 'yes' and you will get it confirmed. The Book of Mormon teaches us how to live our lives. I used to wonder why all the wars were in there. I now know that it helps us to see how God responds if we live by His teachings and how he responds if we do not. The Book of Mormon also testifies of Jesus Christ in a clear way. The Bible testifies of Christ, but the Book of Mormon provides us with more information and a confirmation that it is true. Alma 8 is another testimony of Christ's birth, foretold by the prophets before his birth. It is a second testimony that he is the son of God. Most religions believe in Jesus Christ being born and living a good life and doing miraculous things, but they do not believe he is the Son of God. The Book of Mormon is a second testimony of who He is and the importance of that fact in our lives today. Pray often to get a confirmation of the Book of Mormon and the truthfulness of the Gospel. If you do not feel like praying, that is a perfect time to pray. If you do not feel like going to the Temple, it means that you must go. Do a family name. As we prepare by doing these things, we will be ready when Christ comes again.

Sister Hamilton, Sister Christensen and Sister Cook then bore their testimonies. They are wives of the Area Presidency counselors.

Sister Bednar talked about how she grew up in a small town in Afton, Wyoming. She then spoke about how she met Elder Bednar at BYU when their two Family Home Evening groups met to play football. David threw a long pass (He had been a quarterback in high school), and she was on the receiving end. He was impressed with her catch, but he didn't know that it was the only one she could ever remember catching. She says of her husband: “People who know him well would say that he’s tough but tender. He’s competent and compassionate. He’s driven yet discerning. He’s faithful and fearless. He has a great capacity to lead and the wisdom to follow.”  They got married in the Salt Lake Temple in 1975, while he was still working on his bachelor degree. In 1977, he got his masters degree and then went on to get his PHD from Purdue University in 1980. He joined the business faculty of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. Sister Bednar spoke fondly of their time in Arkansas, as they were raising their boys. he was called as a Bishop and then Stake President at age 32, so he was gone a lot. Their Stake covered a very large area, so he would have to drive long distances to visit the people in the stake. He still made it a point to be home for the important things in the children's lives.

He has a knack with speaking and teaching. Sister Bednar said she is not comfortable speaking in front of people. When he was appointed President of Rick's College (soon to be BYU Idaho) in 1997, she realized that he was always going to be the head of something and that was fine as long as she didn't have to do anything; however, one night he came home and told her he was thinking of starting a once a week get-together FHE type night for the students and he would like her to come. She told him she would go but did not want to participate. He told her he would like her to participate. She did not want to do it, but he kept being patient with her and encouraging her (would not take no for an answer). On their way to the first meeting, she burst into tears and said, "I cannot do this." He very gently asked her if she wanted him to take her back home. She said 'No' and then went on with him. When they arrived and the lesson began, some of the students asked questions. Every once in a while he would turn to her and ask if she wanted to answer the question and she would say, "No." Then, she knew she was in trouble when he was called to be a Regional Representative and then an Area Authority Seventy. She said that if she knew that he was going to be an Apostle, she never would have married him. She had to speak in all sessions they attended from Friday to Sunday and the they were off to other areas of Africa after that. She had a point. Ha.

She talked about the trials that women face no matter where they live or who they are. She talked about losing loved ones, having financial problems or a spouse that leaves you. She was very sweet when she talked and you got the distinct impression that she really did know and care what the women were going through. Because she started her talk telling them about her challenges, they seemed to find her more approachable and believed that she does care
about them. She talked about the importance of working on an eternal marriage. Many years ago, we were busy trying to meet the countless competing demands of a young and energetic family—and of Church, career, and community responsibilities. One evening after the children were asleep, we talked at length about how effectively we were attending to all of our important priorities. We realized that we would not receive the promised blessings in eternity if we did not honor more fully the covenant we had made in mortality. We resolved together to do and to be better as a husband and a wife. That lesson learned so many years ago has made a tremendous difference in our marriage.

We drove the women back to the hotel and then went back home. That night we were to drive the Cooks and Christensens to the Single Adult Fireside at the Hillcrest Chapel. Elder Bednar and Elder Hamilton and their wives would be speaking to the Young Single Adults at the Pinetown Building.

Elder Christensen
When we picked them up the weather looked like it might rain. While sitting in the front with Elder Kyle driving, we could hear their conversations in the back about how tired they were and how Elder Bednar is so spiritual that you feel that you need to be on your toes all the time, because you never know when he will call on you. They talked about whether anyone would show up or if they would all be over at the other building to hear Elder Bednar. Elder Christensen suspected that they would be. We got to road that leads to the chapel and as soon as we got close to the church, the skys opened and we had torrential rain fall...the most rain we've seen since we've been here. We pulled up on the sidewalk to try and keep everyone as dry as possible. We were met with guys carrying umbrellas. Elder Kyle parked partially under the eaves on the sidewalk and when he opened his door on that side, the rain was pouring off the eaves all over him, the van and the driver's seat. He tried to help them into the building using his umbrella and got completely soaked. When he came into the chapel, his suit coat weighed a ton because it was so full of water.

Sister Christensen spoke for a few minutes and then Elder and Sister Cook bore their testimonies. Elder Christensen was the lead speaker. The turnout was not good (as they feared), but there were about 30 people there. More probably would have come if it hadn't rained. When it rains here, people seem to stay home, especially if they need public transport.

The speakers all seemed wiped out, but gave it a good effort. The microphone equipment was making a buzzing sound, which was driving me crazy, but no on else seemed to be bothered by it. I apologize for not bringing anything to take notes on, therefore not remembering what his talk was about. They finished the meeting early. He did a good job, but I remember thinking it would have been better if he had addressed them and their problems instead of just giving a general talk that could apply to anyone. It was mostly women that were older and single in attendance. He could have given them an inspiring talk about how important they are to Heavenly Father and how they will have a mate in heaven if they stay worthy...and maybe addressed some of the problems they face as single adults. But having said that, those who were there seemed happy to be there, but one sister made a comment that she hoped they would have answered a question she has. I told her that perhaps Heavenly Father wanted her to work it out on her own, so she would learn more by doing it that way. She seemed to consider this and said she hoped to see us again.

When we left the rain had temporarily stopped. We took them back to the hotel and headed back home after a long but good day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Friday, October 25th missionary conference-zachrison-bednar

On Friday we gathered at the mission home again and were taught by Mission President and Sister Zackrison.  The president talked about how we are a covenant people. In 2 Nephi 31:33 it says: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism - yea by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel."

He talked about how we are examples to the missionaries, that they follow us and want to be like us. He said their mission goals are: (1)Increasing sacrament meeting attendance by 25% (2) Four investigators each month (3) 2 baptisms per unit per month. He asked us to help the missionaries complete these goals by taking on the goals ourselves. Although we are not expected to do two baptisms per month, we could help with the other two in the branches or wards we attend. When we work with joy and energy we will be able accomplish these goals. If we strive for these things, whether we accomplish them or not, we will make a difference.

He then talked about the missionary leadership support couples who are making a difference. He asked Elder and Sister Carlile to talk about what they are doing in Bloemfontein. They spoke about how Elder Carlile was in South Africa as a young Elder. He learned Africans language, because they were not allowed by the government to teach to the black people...only the white. He is back and now they are having trouble converting the African's population. They will not let the Elders in, and their homes are surrounded by fences with barbed wire on top. So the missionaries set up a booth at the market and hand out pass-along cards when people come by. Elder Carlile talks to them in Africans and they are surprised, so they stop to talk to him. Gradually they are making headway with these people by paying for a booth in the market and having a person there that speaks their language. Elder and Sister Carlile are making a difference to those people and those elders.

He asked the Wyatts to talk about their experience there with the young single adults. They teach the seminary institute classes and have many non-members that come. They also have activities where they all get together and Elder and Sister Wyatt are teaching them to dance (Tango, two-step, waltz, salsa, etc.). They told us that those young people need to be taught everything and are absorbing all they are taught. They teach them budgeting, how to run a household, how to be successful in marriage, how to have an eternal family. When they learn it, they have them teach the class. The are even teaching the classes at the local university of the free state there and have a full house.

Sister Zackrison talked about the missionaries and their emotional needs. We gained real insight into what the missionaries need. She teaches them that they will have ups and downs on their mission but their goal is to stay in the middle. They talk about companions and how they need to get along with their companions on their mission if they expect to get along with who they marry. They introduced a manual for the missionaries that helps them through the ups and downs of being a missionary and away from home. They handed them out to the couples in hopes that we would find a way to introduce them to the missionaries and leave them a copy.

We then stopped for lunch and had the sandwiches and hot finger foods that Sister Holt and I ordered from a local store. We talked with each other for a while and then headed over to the missionary zone conference to listen to Elder Bednar. When we got there we found out that Elder Bednar, who had an appointment to meet with the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal (like a governor) met with two other people because the premier was one hour late and then met with the Premier also, so he was running very late. Also, he was due to give a radio interview with Ukhozi FM at a room in the church building. They were all set up for the interview, but he was 30 minutes late for that too.
Finally, he arrived and went into the interview while President Zackrison tried to entertain all the elders. When he finally came into the chapel, everyone stood up. He went to the podium and told the missionaries that he apologized for being late, but he was not sorry. He got to tell the Joseph Smith story to 7 million radio listeners and answer questions about the Book of Mormon, our humanitarian efforts and why we send missionaries around the world. He told them that they should be thrilled that seven million people got to hear that, as it will help their missionary efforts in Africa.

He then told the group that he hoped they read his pre-assigned talks that he requested they read before he came. He said that he would be letting them ask him questions about those talks and promised them that he was not going to ask them questions or get them to try and figure out what was in his head. He explained that if you do that, you make everyone wrong, because how can they possibly know the answer in your head?

He talked about how most people teach with the idea that the student has to figure out what answer the teacher is looking for, when there is such a better way to teach. Instead, he said they could ask him questions about anything they read and he would answer them. He then proceeded to teach them how to teach by the spirit and not by memorization or lessons that can't possibly apply to everyone. He told them to do everything they could to invite the spirit in and then wait and see what the spirit wanted those people they were teaching at that moment to know. Every person is different, so you cannot teach the same lesson to everyone. The missionaries then started raising their hands. He would answer the question and then ask them a question about their question.This started a dialog about the subject, whereby the missionary usually ended up answering his own question. He was very nice to them and yet forcefully taught them. I think he pretty much changed everything they thought they knew about teaching investigators.
 One of his main points was that you have to get out of your own way to teach by the Spirit...that it is not about you or about how good a teacher you are. The more humble you are the better you can teach the person you are trying to teach. You can give what you think is the best lesson ever, but if you are in the way of the spirit (look what a great teacher I am), you cannot teach them what they need to know, how it feels to have the spirit in the room and in their hearts. It was very powerful and they got more than they bargained for when they asked a question, but I'm sure they learned a lot from it. I know that we did.
Sister Bednar

He also had with him Elder Cook from the Southeast Area Office Presidency and his wife, Sister Bednar, Elder and Sister Christensen, from the presidency of the Seventy and the Zackrisons. Sometimes he would ask them to answer the question and then he would follow them with his answer to what they said. We found out later that they were all told to be ready for anything. No one knew when he was going to call on them. Sister Bednar said that if she knew he was going to be an apostle, she is not sure she would have married him. She does not like getting up in front of people. She is very humble and down to earth. Everyone seemed to really like her.

Question: 'How can I best find the people that the Lord has prepared to receive the Gospel?' Seek the direction of the Lord. That is the only way. Get along with your companion. 'If you are not one, you are not mine.' The Holy Ghost is the revealer of truth. Do not rationalize. Get over yourself now if you want a happy marriage later. In the strength of the Lord you can do all things. In Alma, Chapter five it says to strip yourself of pride.
He asked us what we observed by the pattern he presented and what did we learn from it? He said when meeting with investigators, you have to see how they feel by inviting them to ask questions. Use your powers of observation, then ask yourself 'Based upon what I have learned and felt today, what will I do...what will we do as companions?"

After the meeting, Elder Bednar told the missionaries that they could come up and shake their hands, if they could remain reverent. I wouldn't say that they were very reverent after the first few minutes. They were pretty excited to be there and couldn't help talking to each other about what was said.

It was a powerful moment for those of us attending. I spoke with president Twala of the Hillcrest Stake Presidency (who is a teacher) and he was so excited. He said he learned a whole new way of teaching and could not wait to try it out on his students. He was bummed that it was the end of the term and they were doing finals. Everyone loved Elder Bednar and the powerful spirit he brought to the meeting. It was really a GREAT day!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thursday, October 24th-Durban Mission couples conference at zachrisons

Today is the first day of our Durban Mission Couple's Conference. As I stated earlier, I was responsible for coming up with an idea of what to do on this day for our conference. I made up a list of places the couples who arrived early could go for fun today. This included riding segweys on the beach or swinging off the roof of the Stadium or visiting museums, shopping, etc. All the couples filled out the survey saying what they wanted to do and we emailed them the list of who wanted to do what, with the couples phone numbers, so they could arrange get-togethers with the couples. Officially, our conference started at 4PM, which gave the couples that are seven hours away time to get here if they left this morning. This worked out well. I had this morning to finish up my part in the program and taking care of last minute details.

Elder Kyle attended a meeting with Francois Nortge, who is the Area Office fleet director and manages the distribution center in Johannesburg. He met with all the drivers at the hotel to explain what they would be doing, their schedules and the proper protocol for driving these general authorities and the wives around. Elder Kyle was asked to drive one of the vans on Saturday.

The Mission Home was the location and I was worried about us fitting 32 people in there, but they have sofas surrounding the room and chairs against the wall around the room, making it work. President Zackrison said a few words after we all found seats, had a song and prayer. He is always so nice about thanking the couples and telling them that he doesn't know what the young elders would do without them. The rest of the program, I had planned on the couples sharing inspirational moments from their individual missions. I asked three couples ahead of time to share something. Elder and Sister Murdock were in town so I asked them to go first (as they had to leave early to drive the Bednar crew out to dinner). 

Sister Murdock talked about their experiences going to other countries to solve Visa Problems and how miracles occurred, like when they needed to meet with a certain individual before they could begin to help solve the visa problems, but they could not get in touch with him. He was traveling. On Sunday, they prayed about what ward to go to and picked a ward that was in a bad section of town, that they had never been to before. They didn't know why they came up with that ward, but when they got to church, the individual who they needed to meet with was attending that ward and they were able to speak to him about the issue. He just happened to go to that ward that day too. That was just one of the many miracles they say happened on their mission to the area office. They talked about putting on a dinner for ten, where opinion leaders that were blocking visas for our missionaries were attending. At one of them, when Elder Murdock was explaining the Book of Mormon and showed it to them, the guy exclaimed, "Mormon? I thought you were called 'Mammon' (which is the devil). They pronounce things differently here because of their accents and they drop the 'r' from the word, making it sound like 'Mammon' which to the Africans means Satan. They all thought we were devil worshippers! That is why we are here to clear up these misconceptions that some Africans have of 'Mormons.'

Elder and Sister Wilding, who live in Lady Smith and cover Dundee and Ezakheni as well, talked about the enjoyment they get from working with the Elders and the members. They talked about one family whose 12-year-old son had an allergic reaction and they had to take him to the hospital. They gave him an injection at the hospital and the boy died. The Wildings went to her home to see what they could do and the woman was wailing and asking God why He took their boy. No one could quiet her, so Sister Wilding and the other woman started singing hymns and it calmed the woman down. She said they sang hymns for three hours. The next day, they went back to her home and she was wailing again, so they sang hymns again. That was the only way they could calm her. Eventually she was able to accept it and go on, because of these very considerate members of her ward. She told of many experiences like this and experiences with investigators.

Elder and Sister Lombardi from Swaziland were last, because they had such a great story to tell about the men of Laboma. We had heard this story and met these young men, but most of those at the conference were hearing it for the first time. They gave some history of Laboma and how it is just a community with lean-to shacks with metal roofs, no plumbing, no electricity, dirt floors, etc. It is the poorest of the poor area. In this area were gangs that robbed others, sold drugs, etc. Many of them lost their parents at a young age (usually of Aids) and had to raise themselves. One of these young men, the gang leader, was surprised when two young men in white shirts and ties knocked on his door one day. He let them come in and they had a discussion about Jesus Christ. He let them come back. The day of the 2nd visit there were eight more young men waiting in his shack to hear about the church. He was the first to be baptized and then baptized several others himself.

Now there are 16 men who have joined the church and get together at the Lombardi's once a week for FHE. They support each other. When one of the shacks burned down, they all came and helped rebuild. They are first to volunteer when a service project is announced. All have the priesthood. Two are going on missions soon. They all say that joining the church saved them from a horrible life and gave them hope. Now they know that there is a loving Heavenly Father that cares about them enough to send Missionaries to their area to play soccer with them, baptize them and provide them with a ward family to make up for their lack of parents.

One of them had been given away by his mother, who did not want the responsibility of raising him to an older woman in their village (called 'Gogo' meaning grandmother). She looked after him his whole life. Recently she got ill and had to go to the hospital. She eventually died and because she had some royal blood, they would not let this young man go to her funeral. He was very upset that he had to wait outside the gate and pay his respects alone, but the other young men and the Elders showed up that night outside the gate and stayed with him until 3:00 AM when he finally went home. Because the Gogo that was taking care of him died, he was being kicked out of the home he was in. After that, when he got his mission call, he came to Sister Lombardi with a little box in his hands and asked her what he should do with his stuff when he goes on his mission. He told her it isn't much but I don't want to lose it...a box of memories...all he had. She told him that though they were going home in January after a two-year mission, some other couple would be there and they would have instructions to look after his things until he came back. Such is the life of these young men and the mission office doesn't have a replacement for the Lombardi's yet. I wish more people would go on missions.

We had some time left after these three told their story. All the ladies were wiping their tears and some of the men. Elder Jaeger talked about their mission in Richard's Bay. Elder and Sister Wyatt talked about their mission in Bloemfontein, and Elder Stark talked about their mission at the mission office. Everyone had unique and special experiences on their mission. It was a very spiritual meeting, exactly what I was going for.

We then stopped to have dinner out in the back yard. The man that looks after our rental cars and his wife cooked a braai (BBQ) dinner with all kinds of beef, lamb and sausage. Sister Zackrison made salads and Sister Holt and I made sheet cakes for dessert. She made German Chocolate and I made lemon with Cream Cheese frosting. We served them with ice cream.

After dinner we gathered once again in the house for the second part of our program. Sister Holt and I had come up with some funny awards for everyone. I continually cracked myself up just thinking of what we could do. We had a great time buying the stuff and presenting it. It gave us a chance to know everyone a little better and have some laughs too. Here are some examples:

I bought a dart board and put every part of the mission on it. I told the mission president that he was getting the marathon man award for such long interviews with each of the missionaries and since this took up so much time, he wouldn't have time to spend on who was transferring where, so I gave him a dartboard to simplify the process. Where ever the dart lands is where they go and when hitting bulls eye, transfers are done. It was pretty funny.

 Elder Carlile who is a very tall and fit, retired FBI agent and headed up a three state SWAT team, was given a 'Take-em-out' award because when he and his wife first arrived their car was broken into twice in the first couple of weeks. He was given a toy vehicle with machine guns mounted on the front (side said 'mission' how appropriate) and an air gun with a grenade full of bullets (bbs). He thought that was very funny and shared that when the car had been broken into, he was pretty mad that they dared to rob him. Ha.

Sister Jaeger got the Mary Poppins award for putting on some pretty outstanding activities for the primary in Richard's Bay. One of the activities was going to the park and each child being given a balloon. They love it and followed her through the park playing with their balloons.

It is amazing how easy it is to entertain the children here. The children have not been totally entertained from birth by high tech toys and video games, etc., so they love the simple things, like balloons, that they never get to play with. She is teaching them to play with simple things and they love her ideas and her.

Elder Cluster in his Foggy glasses

 Elder Cluster got the 'foggy glasses' award for running over a large piece of concrete that he thought was a piece of cardboard and it took out the oil pan! They were on their way to Swaziland and stopped for a bite to eat, He pulled over and hit the concrete, which basically ruined their day. The glasses are really funny and I put some wax paper where the glass piece should, so they really were foggy. He commented that he couldn't see anything with these glasses and I told him it was an appropriate gift because he couldn't see anything without them either. Ha.

Elder Stark getting African history award

Elder Stark lived in South Africa until he was 14 and has been back to visit several times, so he is the resident authority on Africa. He tells us more than we ever wanted to know about Africa, whether we ask or not, so an appropriate award was a doctorate in African History. I wish you could see the one I found online to use. It looks so official. He was pretty pleased and will probably frame it and put it on his wall. You cannot tell it is not real.

Me and my blonde wig

Sister Holt got me the only 'blonde' wig she could find in Africa, a yellow clowns wig, and put some eyebrows on some glasses and gave me fake eyelashes to solve my losing hair problems. I think I look pretty good, don't you?

There were a lot more and we had a great time. The perfect way to end the meeting. We had spiritual moments, silly moments and shared friendships. Many of the couples told me they had a great time. That was what we were going for. It was fun. We had our moments wondering if we could pull this off, but Heavenly Father answers prayers and he provided whatever talent we used for the activity, so all thanks go to Him.