He talked about how we are examples to the missionaries, that they follow us and want to be like us. He said their mission goals are: (1)Increasing sacrament meeting attendance by 25% (2) Four investigators each month (3) 2 baptisms per unit per month. He asked us to help the missionaries complete these goals by taking on the goals ourselves. Although we are not expected to do two baptisms per month, we could help with the other two in the branches or wards we attend. When we work with joy and energy we will be able accomplish these goals. If we strive for these things, whether we accomplish them or not, we will make a difference.
He then talked about the missionary leadership support couples who are making a difference. He asked Elder and Sister Carlile to talk about what they are doing in Bloemfontein. They spoke about how Elder Carlile was in South Africa as a young Elder. He learned Africans language, because they were not allowed by the government to teach to the black people...only the white. He is back and now they are having trouble converting the African's population. They will not let the Elders in, and their homes are surrounded by fences with barbed wire on top. So the missionaries set up a booth at the market and hand out pass-along cards when people come by. Elder Carlile talks to them in Africans and they are surprised, so they stop to talk to him. Gradually they are making headway with these people by paying for a booth in the market and having a person there that speaks their language. Elder and Sister Carlile are making a difference to those people and those elders.
He asked the Wyatts to talk about their experience there with the young single adults. They teach the seminary institute classes and have many non-members that come. They also have activities where they all get together and Elder and Sister Wyatt are teaching them to dance (Tango, two-step, waltz, salsa, etc.). They told us that those young people need to be taught everything and are absorbing all they are taught. They teach them budgeting, how to run a household, how to be successful in marriage, how to have an eternal family. When they learn it, they have them teach the class. The are even teaching the classes at the local university of the free state there and have a full house.
Sister Zackrison talked about the missionaries and their emotional needs. We gained real insight into what the missionaries need. She teaches them that they will have ups and downs on their mission but their goal is to stay in the middle. They talk about companions and how they need to get along with their companions on their mission if they expect to get along with who they marry. They introduced a manual for the missionaries that helps them through the ups and downs of being a missionary and away from home. They handed them out to the couples in hopes that we would find a way to introduce them to the missionaries and leave them a copy.
We then stopped for lunch and had the sandwiches and hot finger foods that Sister Holt and I ordered from a local store. We talked with each other for a while and then headed over to the missionary zone conference to listen to Elder Bednar. When we got there we found out that Elder Bednar, who had an appointment to meet with the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal (like a governor) met with two other people because the premier was one hour late and then met with the Premier also, so he was running very late. Also, he was due to give a radio interview with Ukhozi FM at a room in the church building. They were all set up for the interview, but he was 30 minutes late for that too.

He then told the group that he hoped they read his pre-assigned talks that he requested they read before he came. He said that he would be letting them ask him questions about those talks and promised them that he was not going to ask them questions or get them to try and figure out what was in his head. He explained that if you do that, you make everyone wrong, because how can they possibly know the answer in your head?

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Sister Bednar |
He also had with him Elder Cook from the Southeast Area Office Presidency and his wife, Sister Bednar, Elder and Sister Christensen, from the presidency of the Seventy and the Zackrisons. Sometimes he would ask them to answer the question and then he would follow them with his answer to what they said. We found out later that they were all told to be ready for anything. No one knew when he was going to call on them. Sister Bednar said that if she knew he was going to be an apostle, she is not sure she would have married him. She does not like getting up in front of people. She is very humble and down to earth. Everyone seemed to really like her.

Question: 'How can I best find the people that the Lord has prepared to receive the Gospel?' Seek the direction of the Lord. That is the only way. Get along with your companion. 'If you are not one, you are not mine.' The Holy Ghost is the revealer of truth. Do not rationalize. Get over yourself now if you want a happy marriage later. In the strength of the Lord you can do all things. In Alma, Chapter five it says to strip yourself of pride.

It was a powerful moment for those of us attending. I spoke with president Twala of the Hillcrest Stake Presidency (who is a teacher) and he was so excited. He said he learned a whole new way of teaching and could not wait to try it out on his students. He was bummed that it was the end of the term and they were doing finals. Everyone loved Elder Bednar and the powerful spirit he brought to the meeting. It was really a GREAT day!
Oh man....How awesome to be able to listen to Elder Bednar. The messages he shared sound awesome. Talk about a serious spiritual recharging...Sooo cool!