The following is our Sunday meeting and it was mostly about the temple being built here in Durban. I write pretty fast, but the following is my interpretation of what is said. I cannot write fast enough to do it word for word, so these are not exact quotes, but pretty darn close.

Elder Bednar spoke next. He talked about the people he works with. He said President Monson is 86. He has the usual age related issues, like forgetfulness, but he remembers well enough for his age and he is very much in charge of the church. Elder Tom Parry is 91 and he is as vigorous and vibrant as ever. When invited to speak, he jumps up from his chair as if spring loaded. I couldn't even do that at my age and I'm about 30 years younger. I invite any among you to try and keep up with him. Elder Boyd K. Packer had polio as a youth and as it often does in old age, the polio has returned. Also, as a pilot in WWII, fumes from the airplane weakened his lungs, but his mind is as vibrant as ever. Elder Nelson is 89, but looks 55. Perry when addressing him, says "Well Kid." He is is the same in private as he is in public.
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Elder Bednar |
Now a blessing: The Church will be on everyone's mind, during this time of the Durban temple being built...all will be in the spotlight (What is this building? Why so secret? What can we do?). If you begin to panic at having to ask all these questions, just attend primary for three weeks. The answers are ones you learn in primary.
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Oakland Temple |
Many people do not know the difference between our ward buildings and the temples. They may ask, "Why don't you let people come in there?" It is not because it is secret. Temples are like where you go to do spiritual graduate work. The Chapel is where you do your under grad work. You have to learn the basics in Chapels before you can go to the temples to learn more.
You will also get questions about the Bible. People will interpret a scripture in the Bible to mean that no more scriptures should be added. Keep in mind that when this scripture was written there was no such thing as the Bible. Some people believe that the Bible is perfect. If the Bible refers to books that are not there, then it is not perfect. There were numerous translations of the Bible. Imagine a board that you want to attach to another board. If you put a nail in the middle, the top board will move back or forward or complete around in a circle, but if you add another nail to that board of truth it will not spin. The Book of Mormon makes the Bible even more powerful. Together they form a complete testimony of the Savior.

Jesus Christ is not a building. The Apostles were killed and the Church of Jesus Christ was removed from the earth. Prophecy in the Latter days caused the ancient church of Jesus Christ to be re-established. A saint is nothing more than a member of Christ's church. Paul addressed a letter to the saints, speaking to them as members of Christ's church.
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Joseph Smith in Grove |
I have been all over the world and the Church is the same no matter where I go. That is because Jesus is the head of this Church, not man. In these churches I visit, families love each other and know they can be together forever. This knowledge helps and enriches their marriage.
The great event of Joseph Smith seeing the Father and the Son tell us the Nature of God. We learn three things from our understanding of this event: (1) We accept that God Exists (2) We have a correct understanding of the nature and attributes of God. This is vital in the restoration of Jesus Christ's church (3) We have knowledge that the path we are pursuing in this life is the correct path. We must fight the temptation to be selfish. Do not keep this knowledge to yourself.
Someone who knows the true nature of Christ wants to be like him... to help others. In Joseph Smith's translation, he says that Jesus sent angels to minister to John who was in prison, when he himself was suffering. That is the character and nature of Christ. At the last supper, Jesus knows he is about to die, but anticipating the ordeal, he tries to comfort the apostles, even washes their feet. When he was dying on the cross, he tried to help the thieves beside him by telling them that 'today you are going to be with me in paradise.' As his suffering grew even greater, he asked forgiveness for those who put him there, "Forgive them for they know not what they do." He told John to take care of His mother. That is what we are trying to achieve... to put off the natural man and selfishness and think of others before ourselves. Put off the natural man and become a saint. Turn to Christ and quit looking back. Repent and turn again to the Lord. Turn away from sin to Christ. As we press forward and follow him, the natural man is set aside and our nature becomes like His nature. Blessings are available to every latter day saint. In the ordinances of the Gospel, the power of the ordinances are made manifest. Being fundamentally transformed to new creatures in Christ, if willing, He makes of us more than we could ever be on our own. Don't ever be casual about having access to those temple ordinances. Encourage young people to identify ancestors that they can do ordinances for when the temple is built. You are promised extra blessings of spiritual growth, as you do these things.
Young people are most afraid of being alone. The Spirit of Elijah helps you know how you are connected. I know a 15-year-old that played video games six to eight hours a day. His parents were so worried about him. They didn't want him to do it, but he was addicted to video games. Someone got him involved in family history by asking him to do indexing on the computer. He found out that he didn't feel hollow like he did playing video games. He started to catch the spirit of Elijah. Late at night he would work so he could clear three more names, but his parents didn't mind, because he was doing a wonderful service for the Lord. Family History is not just for old people. We could easily make those 12 and older family history specialists, because their fingers are so fast from all that time texting and playing video games. Young people: Go to the temple and be baptized for the dead. Ask for names from your family or members of your ward. Respond in faith and there will be a protecting in your life, in a world that is growing more and more wicked. Being worthy to be in the temple will also help you go on to serve a mission.
Please don't take the temple for granted. Three years after it is dedicated, I will be back to see how you are doing. This is a remarkable Durban moment. It will be so exciting. I expect primary attendance to go way up (chuckles). Become like Christ. Tens of thousands of ordinary latter day saints can shake off the natural man. That's what this is all about. I declare my witness as an Apostle that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost live, they are real. Use your ears to hear the warning and your eyes to see the future.
WOW! Thank you so much for taking such great notes Mom! Seriously inspiring words!