Monday, December 30, 2013

November 29, Area office Training of Kyles and Cinquinis

November After our Public Affairs training in Kruger Park, we were in the office for a couple of days to get trained on the office stuff, so we could take over for the Murdocks in December after they were headed back to the US and SNOW. Unfortunately, we didn't get much training, as the Murdocks were very busy getting ready to go home and people kept coming in the office to say 'goodbye' and wish them well. She tried to explain the finance to me, but I knew I would only learn by doing, so I grasped as much as I could in the total of two hours of training and figured I would catch on quickly when I finally started to do it. Everyone else just hung out in the room where all the computers are set up, to see if they could work on some Newsroom items that they were having trouble figuring out.

PA Coordination Meeting in Sean's office
Elder Murdock tried to teach Elder Kyle about all the things happening in each country, but there are so many that he too will have to just jump in and learn on the job. We met in Sean's office to discuss some current things that were happening and then we all got packed up and headed back to the hotel. Murdocks invited us over for dinner, which was nice. It will be tough to see them go.

On Friday it was time to leave for Durban. The Cinquinis got the Murdocks' car and we kept ours. We loaded up both cards and they followed us to Durban. We planned to stay a few days to show them around and tell them all that was happening in the Durban and Cape Town mission areas. We went to the Hillcrest Stake Public Affairs Council meeting, of which Sipho is the Stake Director. We discussed 2013 and what worked and what didn't. We got a Helping Hands report. We then talked about 2014 and after Elder Kyle told them what we learned in training, they decided to go back and revise the 2014 plan to be in alignment with the priesthood goals and objective of their stakes.

Elder Kyle and I were invited to have dinner with the Holts, who were also training their replacements. We were both staying in the same bed and breakfast, so we saw them at breakfast and then at dinner. It was great seeing them again, but sad that they were going back to the US.  I have a feeling that these friendships that we form here will be with us in eternity. I certainly hope so. The Holts left and then the Sutherlands called and asked us to dinner, so we had some great dinners while we were there. After deciding that the Cinquinis were probably pretty sick of us by now, we packed up our car with the rest of our stuff and headed back to Joburg.

We are looking forward to the second half of our African adventure. We know we will learn and see some amazing things while we are there. All is good.

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