We got back to the office and continued to work on the David Glen Hatch venue. We heard that Sister Murdock went to Victoria's Market with the new Mission President's wife and Sister Holt. We thought that meant that she was on the mend.
Monday night was family home evening at the Clusters. The Murdocks were invited, but we didn't know if she would feel like coming, but they showed up and the new Mission President and his wife also showed up...It was a big surprise, since they had just arrived in Africa the day before. They were both very nice, but confident and knowledgeable. We found out that President Zackrison is a lawyer who was assigned as head council to get the temple okayed to be built in Rome. This is what was said on the LDS.ORG website about them serving in the South Africa Durban Mission:

And this was written by KSL news in Utah: "New mission president, John A. Zackrison is a lawyer for Kirton & McConkie Attorneys at Law. Zackrison is most widely known for handling international legal matters for major religions, including the LDS Church. He served on the International Legal Counsel for Europe representing the LDS Church from 2005 to 2009. Zackrison was called to preside as the president of the South Africa Durban Mission."
They were very interested in the senior couple missionaries and asked us each to tell a little about ourselves. He actually raved about senior missionaries and how important they are to the mission. He also said that he is very into public affairs and will fully support our efforts because he knows how important it is. All in all a good time.
Pretty awesome people! That is going to be great for the mission!