Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tuesday, July 9th-President Wilfords home

On Tuesday, after checking emails we went to Hillcrest Stake President Wilford's home to get him to sign our budget requisition for the David Glen Hatch concert. He lives in Kloof, which we know nothing about, except there is a ward by that name that meets in the Hillcrest building. It was pretty easy to find. The neighborhood was quite nice and we followed another car in his gated driveway, so all in all easy. As soon as we got in, a huge dog (bull mastiff mix)_came up to us followed by a black poodle (not trimmed). They were so friendly, but I've never been around a dog that big and powerful. When she leaned against me, which she did a lot, she almost pushed me over. I would pet her and she would immediately plop down on the asphalt and show her tummy for me to rub. It happened several times and was very funny. I'll bet she weighed 200 plus pounds...very powerful, named Candy.

The Stake President's home was beautiful in a homey sort of way, with comfy, tasteful furniture and decor that made you want to sink in and stay awhile. The grounds (like most of Durban) were beautiful and I imagined myself sitting by the window reading and enjoying the outdoors. We didn't get to stay long enough though, as he was working from home and pretty busy. His son rushed out as we were rushing in, probably to some sort of sport practice by the look of him and he was very sweet and spoke with a cultured English accent. Yes, we are beginning to tell the difference between the accents. President Wilford is a Clinical psychologist. I put a video of him on one of my blogs.

Then we came back to the flat and got the requisition sent over to the Area Office asking for funds. We also got a call from Elder Murdock and found out that Sister Murdock was still in a lot of pain and they were draining and scraping the incision (without anything to calm or ease the pain of the procedure. It sounds awful, but lots of infection got into her system, so they must get it out. Yuk!

I wrote a poem for her, because I thought she might get a kick out of it when she is better anyway. Maybe I should put it here...okay I will:


It started with a pain...a tic...perhaps even more
And the pain got worse...till all of me was sore.
Then things started coming up...not so good at all
But I’m a trooper and withstood the mighty fall.

What could it be I asked myself and got some answers too:
Must be kidneys, darn those Stones...What about the flu?
Or, the gallbladder is really tricky... an ultrasound should find,
But it cannot see a cause for pain...perhaps you’ve lost your mind.
What did you say? Oh I know it hurts badly my dear.
Have you tried Coca Cola...well maybe a bit of beer.
You know my friend had a pain almost like your own,
But she was full of gas and her stomach was o’er grown.

You know my dear that you could see a doctor for your pain.
Oh no, you already did and an infection you did gain?
Surgery?...Well I declare, I did not expect that too
Some will go to any length when they have work to do.

I hope she doesn't think it tasteless! Ha. It was fun to spend a few minutes laughing as I wrote it. I always think I am funnier than anyone else does (except my wonderful children and grandchildren, who appreciate my humor...I hope).

1 comment:

  1. That poem is awesome! HeHe! I am sure she will love it once she feels better. She might even enjoy the laugh while healing.
