Monday, September 8, 2014

September 2014 trip to Swaziland to introduce Bergs

As we come to the end of our blog, we are sad at the thought of leaving these wonderful people behind, but we know the Berg couple will do great and we will soon be forgotten. I've learned that this is the Lord's work and helps all of us succeed when we are going about His business. Here are the Bergs in our seats at the office...sigh. They look good there don't they? I'm sure they will do well and enjoy their mission as much as we did. Elder Kyle trained Elder Berg on the duties he was attending to, including the time of the Visa meeting, country plans and ongoing projects. I  helped Sister Berg learn about the financial aspect of Public Affairs and how to use the Church finance system. Then we worked on Mormon Newsroom for all the different countries and how to use their web system to post her stories and to edit other stories from the various countries.

Since Swaziland, Zimbabwe and Mozambique are countries they will be directly responsible for, we planned a trip to Swaziland by car to introduce them to the National Public Affairs director there and to show them how to pass through customs, etc. by car. We had a great time, as we always do in Swaziland. We invited the Senior couple to join us for dinner and it was great learning about what the McEwens were doing with the missionaries in Swaziland. They helped us figure out our way around and Saturday directed us to the bridge the Church Helping Hands group are helping build for community that has no quick way out of their neighborhood by car. He said the bridge would be finished the following weekend, which surprised us because they hadn't started yet. I  hope they succeed, but if not next weekend, we know they will keep at it until it is done. They are not afraid to work hard and he was expecting 150 people to show up and help.This is Sister Berg at Summerfields, a botanic garden hotel that we all love.

Since Swaziland, Zimbabwe and Mozambique are countries they will be directly responsible for, we planned a trip to Swaziland by car to introduce them to the National Public Affairs director there and to show them how to pass through customs, etc. by car. We had a great time, as we always do in Swaziland. We invited the Senior couple to join us for dinner and it was great learning about what the McEwens were doing with the missionaries in Swaziland. They helped us figure out our way around and Saturday directed us to the bridge the Church Helping Hands group are helping build for community that has no quick way out of their neighborhood by car. He said the bridge would be finished the following weekend, which surprised us because they hadn't started yet. They decided to change tactics and use cement pipes, since their previous efforts at building the foundation for the bridge were washed away. I  hope they succeed, but if not next weekend, we know they will keep at it until it is done. They are not afraid to work hard and he was expecting 150 people to show up and help. These people do not get discouraged, they just keep on trying.

Beautiful peacocks through the gardens at hotel.

Parents visiting Africa with twin sons' mission ending.

Elder Kyle & Jerome Shongwe discussing the bridge.

Decided to use cement pipes so bridge doesn't erode.

Elder & Sister Berg - They are great!
Most babies & toddlers are carried this way.
It's just a piece of cloth wrapped around mom.

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