Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24th Heritage Day at the Office

Today was Heritage Day at the office. People were supposed to wear their tribal clothing from the area they were originally from, so there was quite a variety of dress, from Nairobi to Swaziland. The women were so beautiful in their very colorful clothing. It gave us an opportunity to find out where they were from, eat a few treats from that area and ask questions. Nothing is boring in Africa! The ones I added names to are ones we worked with directly that became friends. All are Awesome and provided smiles every day! We will sure miss everyone. The food was great too!

Zanelle and Dorcus from the Law Offices

Carly from the Travel office
Dominic Tshabalala, National PA Director

Kapu in Area Office
Lady that works in cafeteria

Patricia from the cleaning crew

Fezi, receptionist at main entrance

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