Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 29, 2014 Back at Home in the United States!

We finally arrived back home on September 29th with our daughter's family to greet us. The grandkids were so happy to have us back. They kept holding on to us, as if we might take off again. How great to see everyone, but bittersweet knowing our time in Africa was officially over.

We got back to our house and we were served a Mexican dinner, with Kyles and Pleasants.

We hope we get opportunities to speak about our mission in Church, to encourage other couple to go on a mission. We kept being told how hard it was to get couple to serve in Africa, but every couple we met loved Africa and some served a second and even third mission there.

Do you remember Elder Bednar's promise to the senior couples, that all couples who choose to come on a mission will be blessed for two generations? Our family is now an eternal family thanks to those blessings and we have an opportunity to be together forever. All of these things fell into place after we chose to go on a mission! What joy that brings to our hearts!

We are so grateful for the opportunity! WE LOVE AFRICA!

The End of our Africa Blog!

Grabbed by Mia and Trey as we came our of customs

Ryan, Mia, Patty, Trey, Shannon and Everett

Mexican Fiesta...YUM!

Eagles Nest House

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