Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday Oct 7th - Friday, Oct 11th-FHE at Starks-missionary apt check misc

Monday was family home evening with the Starks. After a day doing office work, it was nice getting out. We talked about the Elder Bednar assignment and the talk was on being converted. We had some interesting comments, but mostly we talked with each other and enjoyed the company of the other senior missionaries in this area. We like to laugh and joke with each other.

The Starks apartment was completely bare. They are packing up to go home and it seems so sad. They will be leaving November 13th...just around the corner. All of our FHE group seem to be leaving at the same time. We will be going to Joburg on November 18th and won't be back until the 29th or 30th for training the new couple taking over for us here in Durban. We'll stay a few days to train them and then leave for Joburg, our new home for the rest of the time we are here. The Holts will be leaving the end of November and so will the Murdocks. Clusters will be leaving soon to go to New Castle for their new assignment. Three couples in the Area office that we know will be gone by the time we get there. Prudence had her baby, so she is gone. Those are only the ones we know about. We figure there may be more. Our Indian neighbors moved a couple of weeks ago, so they are not here anymore. It will be like going on a different mission after leaving this one. Another adventure to be sure.

Tuesday was office time, getting caught up and answering emails, mostly from Sipho, our PA director from Hillcrest. He is trying very hard to get the Premier (like a governor in the states) to have a meeting on Thursday, the 25th with Elder Bednar. I've been helping him with the bios and other info about the church that he needs. The national PA director has not asked for our help, but is relying heavily on Sipho to set all this up. We are happy that we can help him somewhat. He thinks all this is way out of his abilities, but we know he can do it and we keep encouraging.

On Wednesday, we met again with Clive Pillay at the Chatsworth Youth Centre to talk about the care center in Ixopo and what our humanitarian department will need to continue, and to find out what his motorcycle group plans to do about the roof, etc. We had a good meeting and he agreed to set up a meeting with the municipality there that will help us to prepare a report for humanitarian.

On Thursday, Elder Kyle requested quotes regarding new toilets and rain water systems from the non government agency people we met there who really know what they are doing and have created such a great child care program and women with aids program there. They agreed to talk to their suppliers and get us some quotes.

On Friday, we did missionary flat and car checks. This is always a fun thing. We enjoy talking to the missionaries and I think they enjoy our visits. I try to bring cookies, which helps them to look forward to our coming, instead of worried about their cleaning skills...Ha. We also see if something is in bad repair and make sure we report back to the mission office. The last time we went out we were responsible for some of the missionaries getting a new bathroom light, a new microwave, their geyser and stove fixed. Their curtains are still hanging in tatters, but we are making progress. There is always a chance that we will run across some gross things (like an unflushed toilet), but their flats were not too bad for young guys living together and you can see they are trying. They all seem to be getting along well. One Elder who was going home three days later, insisted that his companion have a new bed. He is over six feet tall and from Utah. His companion in 5 feet tall and from Madagascar. We reported it and found out that he was getting his new bed. We love the missionaries!


  1. Keep up the good work guys, glad your enjoying your days,there will be new people and new adventures for you . Thank you for the earings, I love them....

  2. Those are lucky missionaries to have such a cool couple to check in on them ;)
