Today, the Lombardi's took us to a place called, Baobab Batik - Swaziland, where they transform natural fabrics into African inspired designs with a contemporary twist. Baobab Batik started in 1991 employing 10 Swazi women. The
business has since grown and now employs 30 women who utilize their skills to
produce beautiful art pieces with a technique named batik. This technique uses
melted wax and dye in order to create patterns on fabric. The result of this
process creates a one- of- a- kind piece of art. The designs are beautiful. I wanted a tablecloth like the one Sister Lombardi purchased for them with animals on it. They did not have any, because they are working on a big order for the United States...HOME GOODS. I cracked up...We are much closer than I thought.
I kept trying to find something I could use in our current home, but all things I liked, they did not have any on hand to sell. All were orders for other companies, so I finally settled on pillow covers like the ones Sister Lombardi has in her home. They are easy to take home and will remind us of Africa.
The ladies working there were all very nice. Sister Lombardi brought them some DumDum suckers. She said she usually makes them a treat (Is she an amazing woman or what?), but she didn't have time to make one. They now expect her to bring something, so she brought the suckers. They were a big hit. Everyone wanted a sucker and some pretended that they didn't get one to try to get another. The lady this photo has her hand out for a sucker. It was very cute.
I went around looking at their work. It is so precise and you can tell they've been doing it awhile because of the speed at which they can paint the designs. They use brushes to fill in the flowers and other designs with wax. The material when they finish is stiff as a board. You can see the hot wax in the center. They just keep painting it on with brushes, like you see the ladies doing here. The lady painting the red fabric is in the second stage of the project. When she is finished with her part the fabric will be dried and wax removed and another color added. Eventually it will be dyed black. Another design is in the first stage. Notice the sucker in the one lady's mouth. So cute. They didn't miss a beat while we asked questions and tried to talk to them... very serious about their work. Only the suckers made them pause for a moment.
I then went outside to see the processes going on there. One lady does the dying in a large vat of dye, in this case black, and then another lady hangs them on the line to dry.
The other lady was cleaning up. It makes quite a mess, but they have it down to a science. They seemed to enjoy getting their picture taken. When they discovered I was going to take their photo, both tried to straighten up a bit. Sweet.
Apparently, their stuff is selling all over the world. Handmade in the Kingdom of Swaziland printed on each item. They all seem happy to be doing it and their results...beautiful!
We then ran some errands and returned back to the Lombardi's to help them with dinner. Every Monday night, they host the La Bomba boys for family home evening. Other young single adults have also been coming to enjoy a lesson and dinner, plus the great company. We were very excited about meeting these boys (men actually) that we've heard so much about, so I will introduce them to you as well in this blog. The success of each after joining the church is amazing, considering they were all on the brink of evil before the missionaries knocked on their doors.
A bit of background: The group got started when a gang leader who was doing all the wrong things had the missionaries knock on his door and tell him of Jesus Christ. The ripple effect when this young man joined the church by baptizing other gang members and then other lost young men, most without any parents or family at all their whole lives. The previous gang leader who used to sale his wares in a shack on the hill is now meeting with other young men at the same shack to talk about the Gospel. They support each other getting ready for missions and together with the Lombardis have become the family they never had. They are indeed brothers to each other and are as excited when one gets a mission call, just like most families would be. Not all those who came this evening are without family and three women joined the group tonight as well, but most have come a long way in turning their lives around and finding some happiness that avoided them all these years.
Lombardi's say it this way: "One evening, the Elders came over and told us of a wonderful experience they had that day. They had an appointment with Zweli (the previous gang leader), and then they arrived, his place was filled with young men that wanted to hear what the missionaries had to say. From this group, many found the truth and entered baptism within three months of this visit. All of these young men are the first to volunteer for service when needed."
This is Zweli (short for Zwelinsima) whose baptism on September 11, 2011 started it all. He is a smart man with an amazing grasp of the scriptures and an obvious love of Jesus Christ and the church. Zweli is 23 and waiting for his mission call. "I have never thought of going to church, but the missionaries made that to be a simple step for me... They are an important treasure. Coming to Church has taught me a lot of things in a short space of time, things which I've never heard of before...that were for me to change my life into what Heavenly Father wanted me to be. One of the greatest things that Heavenly Father has blessed me with as a result of knowing who he is are the teachings of the Church that guide me in whatsoever condition I face in my life. Today I testify that I know that the missionaries are servants of the Lord and that their teachings are also of the Lord."
This is Bongumusa, who was baptized by Zweli on March 12, 2012. He is 24. "I came looking for work and met this man I now call my brother, Zweli. I told him I did not have a place to stay and he let me stay with him. One afternoon, two guys came to visit him. They were both white and wearing white shirts and ties. I could see that they were not from Swaziland. In the middle of their conversation, my brother introduced me to them. I was surprised to know that my brother was someone who is into the Gospel. From then on, those guys would visit often and they started teaching me about their Church. Now I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God."
This is Mbongiseni whose baptism was on June 24, 2012. He is 24 years old. He has been a friend of Zweli's since they were teenagers. When he visited him one day the missionaries came over. He asked Zweli after they left who they were, Zweli told him they were missionaries from the Church he joined, but they did not get into a discussion at that time. "After three months I started feeling that I have to go to church. I used to visit churches, but this time I chose to visit Zweli's church. I told him on "Saturday that we are going to church tomorrow. On Sunday we went to church. The missionaries were happy to see me at church. They invited us for soccer tomorrow. On Monday we played a soccer game and got to know each other. In our first appointment they taught me and gave me a Book of Mormon. I read and prayed about it and had a feeling that it is true. I know that the church is true. If we struggle to keep the Lord's commandments and pray for his strength, he will help us. This Gospel has changed my life so much. Now I know that our Heavenly Father lives and he loves us. If we come closer to him, he will give us some rest. I am grateful for the Church."

This is Musa who was baptized on July 22, 2012 by Elder Mokoena. He is 25. He also was visiting Zweli when the missionaries came by. He said that the missionaries greeted him in a polite manner and that one was black and one was white. He said that he went back home because his friend was busy with strangers, but the following day he went to visit him again, but did not find him at home, so he went to his 'selling shack." The same missionaries were there too. Wondering what these guys were doing with his friend, he decided to stay and listen. They gave him a pamphlet about the plan of salvation and invited him to come to church, which he did. They kept on visiting him and teaching him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "I know the teachings of the Church are true, that there is a living God. I know that there is a Savior and the redeemer whose name is Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God. I know that Joseph Smith was our prophet and I also know that Thomas S. Monson is our living prophet."

This is Sibusiso, who was baptized on September 23, 2012. He is 19 years old. He first met the missionaries at Zweli's snack shack. The missionaries were there teaching one of his friends and greeted him. He decided to listen to what they had to say. "What interested me the most was the Word of Wisdom. I was struggling to quit smoking, so I heard them talk about blessings of obeying the World of Wisdom and also the plan of salvation, which was more interesting. As the missionaries taught me, I was able to stop smoking. "Since I stepped my feet into the church for the first time, I now find the church one of the most important things in my life's 'to do' list. I have managed to be a good person. Living the Word of Wisdom is the most exciting thing. I'm free from every bad thing. The love from the members of this church is very pure. It is one of the most important things that made me decide to be a member of this church, which is true. Reading scriptures is in my blood. I'm feeling it run in every vein. The Book of Mormon is indeed a testament of Jesus Christ and works good with the Bible. Since I was baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, my life has changed and the light that shines inside me brings joy and happiness to me and everyone around me. Elder and Sister Lombardi, I would like to wish you long life and peace in your life and family for the love you are showing me. You make me feel at home. You are truly heavenly sent. I love you with my whole heart."

This is Senzo, who was baptized on December 9, 2012. He is almost 23 years old. Senzo moved in with Zweli and met the missionaries at the shack. They began to teach him. "After I have a prayer, a small feeling in my heart testified that they were telling the truth. The Word of Wisdom was an enemy at first, because I was in love with some of the things we don't need to take into our bodies. When I managed to keep the Word of Wisdom, I was baptized. The love I get from everyone is wonderful. The teaching I get at church has made me realize that God lives and he loves us. We are His children. Since I have been at church, I've seen many blessings upon my life...even today many marvellous things are happening. The love the Lombardis show me made me feel at home and encourages me to hold onto the Rod of Iron and be exemplary to my friends and family. I know the Book of Mormon is true and it works good with the Bible."

This is Nhlanhla, who was baptised on May 25, 1996. He is 17 years old. The first time the missionaries came to visit me, I used to run away. I finally won because they left Swaziland, but because Heavenly Father loves me, I met Elder Kiwumi and Lorimer. They taught me everything that I was supposed to know, like truth and having faith. They encouraged me to go to church and to read the scriptures. By doing what they said, there is a big difference. Actually, my life has changed. People started loving me and I'm happy. I thank God for sending these Elders to make me see the way, because I was in darkness. I couldn't even control myself before. I thank God for the love he has for me. I almost die without knowing the truth. My testimony is that I know I am a choice spirit. I'm the beginning of my journey through this mortal life. Our Heavenly Father wants my life to be joyful and to lead me back to his presence. The decisions I make now will determine much of what will follow during my life and throughout eternity. Just because the Lord loves me, he has given me commandments and words of perspective and adorable prophets to guide me on my journey. I testify that these principles are true. I will always be true to the Lord and to His Church in all circumstances. I want to be like him and to be righteous, to keep His commandments."

This is Sifiso who was baptized on April 28, 2013. He is 19. He said that he used to see the missionaries in the neighbourhood and thought they came to Swaziland to punish everyone with their false doctrine with a strange book that he never heard of. "But one day the missionaries came in numbers at our training ground with Zweli and Musa and also other brethren who are black. So they challenged us to a game. We played a superb match with them. We played them several times and it was cool. We got to know each other bit by bit. So one day they invite me to play for them and we played and won the match. After that, they invited me to come to PMG on Monday night and it was cool. When they invited me to come again, I did not show up. Musa came to share something about the church and I denied the message, but he came again and was patient with me. I pondered the things he showed unto me and felt a thousand horses racing down my chest. He invited me to church, but I didn't show up. The next week I finalized my decision to go to church. I felt at home because I was well welcomed. I know this Church is true. I pondered and prayed about it and I felt inside my heart joy. I thought if I can hold onto this gospel and the principles, I would feel or obtain eternal happiness, because these principles are true and not a man doctrine. The revelations from God unto us will protect us from evil."

This is Menzi, who was baptized on May 12, 2013. He is 22 years old. He too saw the missionaries first as Zweli's place. That is where he started to know the missionaries, but they didn't know where he lived, so one day he saw them at the place he worked and asked them to share something about the word of God. It only lasted 30 minutes because he was at work, but they began to meet regularly from then on. "They teach me the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the way to heaven to meet our father. They even took me to church at Ezulwini in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where the saints meet and pray. I was welcomed the way I was expecting. I was baptized and even now I am a saint. I thank God for everything he has done for me. My testimony is three scriptures: Helaman 5:12 - testifies to me that if we build our foundation on our Redeemer, who is Christ, we will be strong and the devil will not be able to betray us.
2Timothy 3:16-17 - So, this verse to me it testifies that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 - testifies to me that I need to keep myself away from such people.

Charles was not part of the original La Bomba Boys. He is a relative of the Shongwe's (our PA director's family). Since the Shongwe's were members of the Church, they tried to get him to attend, but he hated church and thought they would try to get him to join if he attended. Then he decided to try just one time to attend and see what happens...only something he would do once. He started attending seminary at the Shongwe's and then the missionaries taught him the Gospel. When they asked him if he wanted to be baptised, he said 'No.' But it was not long until he was baptized. "I went to the missionaries and asked that I be baptized. That is how the journey started." He then says, "My testimony will just be based upon the Book of Mormon. I love it with all my heart. I have changed to be the person I am because of the way it's unique and spiritual nature. It's one valuable possession I have. I know it's true. I remember the words of one of the Leaders say,
'Those were the days never to be forgotten to sit under the voice of inspiration dictates.' I had my days where I got to know of its truthfulness as they did. My version is those where the days never to be forgotten to hear from the voice of those who were now speaking from the dust, speaking to me, confirming the truth of what I was reading. I will forever be grateful to my Heavenly Father for helping me to get to know this book."

This is not all, but these are the guys who were there Monday night. The missionaries that were there taught a nice lesson about listening to the Spirit. Sister Lombardi fed them all sloppy joes and coleslaw and chips. The chocolate cake and ice cream were for dessert celebrating a one year anniversary of one of their baptisms. Afterwards, Elder Kyle went outside with the missionaries and a few others and one of the missionaries came in and said, "Sister Kyle, come and see this, Elder Kyle is dancing!" Sure enough, he had on the hat of this missionary in the photo and he was dancing. Everyone was cracking up. I can't take him anywhere...ha.
Elder Kyle helped Lombardi's take all of them home. Amazing. What a wonderful experience!
Wow....What amazing stories. And what a testament to the wonderful missionary work that can be done by members. Simply by inviting the missionaries into our homes and involving them in our lives and doing the same with friends and family, connections can be made that will bring tremendous joy to the lives of so many. Zweli is an amazing example to us all... What great testimonies!
ReplyDeleteAnd dad was dancing??? And we didn't get any pictures of it? Oh man that would have been great to see!