Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday, October 6th Fast and testimony meeting at Chatsworth Ward

Sunday, October 6th, we would normally be at home watching conference on television, but today we are attending a regular fast and testimony meeting at Chatsworth Ward.

The first man who bore his testimony was a counselor in the Bishopric. He told a personal experience that happened to him that week: {I was prompted to give two guys at work some pamphlets about the Church. After I had done so, another guy who saw it happen walked up to the two guys, took the pamphlets out of their hands and gave them back to me. Then he preceded to tell the two guys not to take anything from me about his church. He said, "Don't you know that they have false prophets and a false book instead of the Bible?"

I looked him straight in the eyes and said to him, "You have taken the greatest gift of all mankind, free agency, from these gentlemen. How do you know that the Church is not true...Have you studied it, have you gone to one of our meetings? How do you know that the Book of Mormon isn't true...Have you read it...did you pray to see if it was true? Do that and then you can come back to me and tell me if it is wrong."

Two days later the man approached me at work and apologized. He said that he wanted to know more, but there was a scripture in the Bible that said something about the Bible not being added upon. I told him to read the Book of Mormon and he would realize what that scripture means. Satan uses his tools to influence and keep the Church away from people. All we need to do is bear our testimony of the truth we feel.}

Then a woman got up and said it was good to be in Church on Sunday. She told a personal story also: {I was going through my address book and saw a friend that I have not spoken to for a long time. I decided to give him a call. When I called him he told me that he was sitting outside that very moment and wondering why Sister Sheila hasn't called. This man hasn't been active in a while, but he said that as soon as he had that thought about me the Lord answered his prayer, the phone was ringing and it was Sheila. He was sad because he moved away to Richard's Bay and he is the only Indian member of his ward there. I tried to build him up and help him feel happier. He told me that I had already brightened his day and that he would go to church next Sunday.

I joined the Church 31 years ago, because I needed happiness in my life. My family was upset, but I never turned back. I have been blessed since then with my home and materials things, but happiness is the greatest blessing. The Church taught me to store food and save money for emergencies, so when my leg gave me problems and I had to take time off work, I did not worry about how I was going to eat or pay my bills. What a blessing this church is in my life. I still miss my husband and my grandchildren ask me why grandpa had to die. I told them that the Lord wanted him. He was only 46 when he died. They tell me that God is so unfair to take their grandfather away. My daughter was only seven when her father died and she was mad at me and blamed me for his death. She told me, You took my father to the hospital and you did not bring him back. It is your fault. Go fetch him and bring him home. I am grateful to be a member of the Church. When my sisters here at church hug me, then I know that I am loved and cared about. I so much appreciate that I have my church family and Heavenly Father to help me.}

Young Man: {I love fast and testimony meeting. It improves my testimony, and teaches me as well when I listen to other testimonies. I want to express my loving thanks to the missionaries that taught and baptized me. I am so grateful that these two young men were not afraid to share the Gospel with me, the gospel that has opened the doors for me to have eternal happiness. My testimony is very simple. It is true! God lives! Jesus is the Christ and my Savior and Redeemer of the world. The Book of Mormon is the most true book on earth. We have modern revelation through a prophet on the earth today. If we listen to him, we will know the way to eternal life.}

Women: {I am happy to be a member of the Church. The scriptures are true. The Teacher's Development Course really helps me be a better teacher and to learn important truths. I would like to encourage others to take this class. It will really improve your ability to teach and help you have more confidence to accept callings as a teacher. The manual is titled, "Teaching No Greater Call." I believe that is true. God loves us all. He knows that we are weak at times, but he is willing go forgive us. Let's be willing to do his work for him on earth, by accepting and magnifying our teacher's callings.}

Man: {It has been eight weeks since I started the Teacher's Training Course. I was worried to teach the class, but prayed that I would do a good job. I was afraid that all the people in the class would be better teachers than I am and already know way more than I do about teaching. I told the Bishop this when he asked me to be this teacher. The Bishop said that the Stake wanted us to have this class, but I kept putting off starting the class.  I finally taught the first lesson and it was a class on teaching with the spirit. While preparing the lesson, I felt thoughts come into my head that I would not be teaching the class; it would be taught by the spirit after I prepared it. So far, I have learned more by teaching than my students. I have fasted and prayed to teach by the spirit. Now we are eight weeks into it with four more weeks to go. This course creates strong teachers and strong people to help further the work of the Lord. I am grateful to be a part of this.}

Woman: {I faced two challenges this week that taught me about the power of prayer. My first one was an assignment at my work. I gave a presentation to a group of about 90 Muslims. Before the presentation, I was a bit nervous. I had my talk all written up and ready to go, but didn't feel really good about it. I said a prayer and decided to skip the talk and just speak from my heart. One of them came up to me afterwards and asked me where I learned to speak like that and how did someone so young have such wisdom and poise. I thought, "What do I say to this guy?" In my head, I asked Heavenly Father to help me say the right thing. I told him that in my church we start speaking as small children in front of our congregations and through those experiences, we become comfortable speaking, which helps us through school and throughout all our life experiences. I told him that wisdom was learned through our church classes that we attend from age three through college, where we learn priorities in life and how this life prepares us for the next life. He didn't ask me what church I belonged to, though I think he wanted to. What he did say was that I must belong to a very special church. I agreed that I did. How wonderful to know that even issues at work can receive divine guidance. I also learned that when I pray for help, my Father in Heaven is listening to my prayer. I am important to him.  My second challenge was that a friend from my past who is I haven't seen in a while came to visit me. She is struggling with things in her life. Although I feel lonely, because I've lost so many friends, I know if I was still hanging out with my old friends, my life would be so bad compared to now. All I can do is listen and pray for her, but she will have to make her own decisions, just as I did. I am so grateful for the truths I've learned in this church and the blessings that come through my obedience. I just wish I could give this gift to everyone and that they would accept it...maybe one day.}

Man: {The church helps us get closer to our Heavenly Father. He created this world and said "This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." This is the Lord we serve. He walked the dusty road in Palestine; He gave us great understanding of His Gospel. I am thankful to Jesus Christ for restoring His Church. Man tried to destroy the church, but God has a plan, the greatest work of all. I am grateful to bring my family to this church - this is my home.}

Man: {Monday I went to buy bread, and I saw a man listening to music through earphones and he moved to the music and seemed very happy. I thought about how nice this was and then a thought entered my mind that he could be so much happier if I introduced him to the Church. I am so grateful for the Gospel. When I was a young man coming home from my mission, I thought I knew everything. Eventually, I thought, "Why should I read the Book of Mormon? I've read it already many times." Now that I have a family, we are reading the Book of Mormon together and I can see things happening in those pages that I never noticed before that apply specifically to me and my family. Before I was just reading it, but now I am pondering what it says and thoughts are coming to my mind that never occurred to me before. Now I read the Book of Mormon because I want to and I love reading it. When I was younger, I always longed for a wife and children of my own, but thought it was impossible. I am grateful for the Priesthood that is from God and grateful for my mission that taught me the love that Heavenly Father has for me. My mission gave me the power to speak to others about what I learned on my mission. I came early to church today to beat Rosie, because she always is the first one here, but Rosie did not come today. I should call her and ask her why she is not here. We should do that for all people who are not here today.}

Man: {When I left home to take a job in Johannesburg, it was the first time I had ever been away from home. I remember seeing the temple and feeling God's love and an assurance that the temple would help me stay close to God while away from my family, but as I started my job, it was very hard. I would call my dad and tell him how difficult it was to be away from home doing this job that was very challenging and he would tell me to pray harder; and before I seek for riches, seek the Kingdom of God. It was easy at home while I had my parents support, but much harder while I was living on my own. I started reading the scriptures each day and by the third month, work was better. Without the Gospel, I would be lost. It is a wonderful gift from Heavenly Father to help us in our everyday life. I have mainly learned two things because of this experience - that the Book of Mormon blesses us and that families are the greatest gift to us from God.}

Woman: {I was raised in the Church and blessed with church callings, but I am glad to be back in Primary. Primary teaches us such simple things and it is a big achievement to help these children learn these things. I am grateful for the plan of salvation that we will be together again with those who have passed before us. It is easy to be tempted when we are out in the world, but reading scriptures and praying will keep us on the right track. While traveling by public transport, a woman asked me why I dressed the way I do. She said I am young and should uncover myself more to show off what I have been endowed with. I explained that is not who I am or who I am trying to be. I don't think she understood, but I am so happy that I understand and follow these commandments from our Prophet.}
Sunday School: We talked about prophets, who they are, why we need them and why we sustain them and how we know that they are true prophets. There was a discussion about the scripture that tells us to beware of false prophets and learned that the way you tell if they are false is if they tell you to do things contrary to Christ's teachings. A real prophet will only lead us to do good. A false prophet may trick us by pretending to do good, but will eventually show his true nature and urge us to be what Satan wants us to be which is the opposite of good. A false prophet will tell us that it is okay to do things that we have been told not to do and flatter us into making wrong choices and get us to do things for their own gain and not for Jesus Christ.
Relief Society was about an article from Sister Burton that Sister Bednar will be using in her discussion with us when she speaks to the women on October 25th here in Durban. She has asked us to read the article and be prepared to answer questions and discuss the things in the article, "Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ Written in Our Hearts.' We then talked about how the pioneers were limited as to what they put in their handcarts. If they put too much, they were weighed down by the burden and eventually found it hard to continue. Like them, we sometimes put too much baggage in our "handcarts" that is not necessary. When we let it go, we can have Christ written in our hearts. When you do visiting teaching, as you strengthen those you visit, you also strengthen yourself. When covenants are kept families are strengthened. In Relief Society we grow by strengthening each other. We need to pray for the Spirit to help us know who needs us. Also if we are weak, we cannot help and strengthen others. We need to know that is unfair in life can be made right by the Atonement and plan of happiness. We need to pass that along to those who are feeling that life is 'unfair.'
The Chatsworth missionaries invited us to a baptism in the ocean the following Saturday. They have four people who they will be baptizing (not from the same family) and got special permission by President Zackrison to do it at the beach next Saturday at 4:00. Before the baptism the ward RS ladies will be serving food to everyone. This is such a fun, great ward. We told them we'd be there. I can't wait to see this!

What a nice time we had today. We love the people of Chatsworth.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of calling those that don't make it to church. I am going to start doing that to make sure they know i care. And did I hear you right? A baptism at the beach?
