The first speaker was this elder from Kenya, who did a great job: God expects us to keep his commandments and do his will. How can we be valiant soldiers of God unless we follow our commander. Pray often that we might be humble. Pray often that we might be true followers of Jesus Christ. Pray often that we will think more of others than we do of ourselves. Pray often that we will love our neighbors and let our lights so shine that we glorify our Father who is in Heaven. Our duty is to bring many souls unto Christ. Our battles may be many, but our victories will be sweet. Satan is strong, but God is omnipotent.

The second speaker, Elder Lowry from Idaho on left, was a great speaker. He had a way of smiling while he talked and during his whole talk he looked radiant (as they all did). He spoke of love being the way to be successful with missionary work. Without love, even successes will turn into failures. People need to feel the love that we have for them. We need to be good examples of patient, loving, honest and true members of the church.
We also need to love those who are baptized, so that they do not fall away after the member's newness wears off. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted. If you have trouble loving the way Christ loves us, pray and ask Him to help you develop Christ-like love for everyone you come in contact with and he will bless you with that gift.

The third speaker, Elder Ferrin, talked about how hard it is to be a missionary and bring others into the Gospel. As members we often try to leave that up to the full time missionaries and shy away from doing that ourselves. Even missionaries sometimes find it hard to approach strangers to teach them the Gospel. They sometimes feel inadequate, timid or afraid of rejection. They may have very little confidence that as an individual they can accomplish converting someone. Satan also wants us to believe that we cannot do it, so he can accomplish his goal, which is to keep all from obtaining eternal life. He talked about how he was into sports in school and his friends talked him into joining the track team. He did it, but didn't really find joy in running and didn't think he was that good, but he liked the high jump and decided to learn how to do that. He began to practice jumping every day after school until he was a pretty good jumper. Finally after several competitions, his school went to the regional finals, where he was seeded number one. He talked about how each person gets 3 jumps to try and make it over the bar without knocking the bar down. It was down to he and one other person and he had to do his jumps last. The other person could not make the jump. It was higher than either of them had ever jumped before. The problem with this is that even if both people make the same mistakes and knock the bar down, the person who goes last will lose, so it was very important that he make the jump. He was very nervous. His first two jumps, he did not make it, which made him think he could not do it. He was standing by his coach thinking this was it...He was not going to make his last jump and the other guy would win. While he was thinking these negative thoughts, the coach stood beside him and put his hand on his shoulder and told him that he was good enough to make that jump and he would do it. He told himself that the coach was right and he was good enough to make the jump. He ran and sailed through the air making sure his arms and legs were pulled up and away from the bar. Finally he was on his back on the cushion below the bar and the bar was still there, the crowd was roaring and he realized he had done it. His coach had given him back that voice in his head that tells him he can do things and he did it. He likened this to the way the Lord stands beside us and tells us we are good and can do it, even with little doubts creep in and we think for a moment that we cannot. Listen to that voice and then do your best and you will accomplish great things for the Lord. The goal is to know if the Gospel is true. As you pray, you will get an answer and that answer will be powerful, as if the hand of Heavenly Father is on your shoulder and he is saying, "You can do it."

Then, it was announced that someone was getting baptized after church and we were all invited to stay for the baptism. The woman who was baptized is married to the guy who handles our missionary visas. They are a very cute couple. They have only been married about two months, so just newlyweds. After the baptism she bore her testimony and talked about how great her husband is...ah...true love.
Priesthood all met together, but then the young men were excused after announcements. Since there are no high priests in this ward, except for Elder Lombard, he, Elder Kyle and Elder Sutherland met with the Elders. Elder Sutherland played the piano. The lesson was on an article from the Liahona.
The Relief Society spoke about self reliance and the steps we need to take to get ourselves to a point where we can not only help ourselves in time of need, but others as well. I've heard the lesson before, but she did a great job. This is a picture of our teacher.
I took some more photos while waiting for the District President to be ready for us. Everyone wanted to get their photo taken. After I took the photo, they would check it out to see if it was a good one, and if not, they wanted me to take it again. The photo of the three young people was the funniest. I had the hardest time getting the guy to smile (same with the baby). A camera can break a lot of shyness barriers, and look at those cute little girls! It was a cold day.
After church we met with the District President and his counsellor. We told him about public affairs and how that is supposed to work. He was very positive about it and we cleared up some things he was not sure of, so things should work smoothly in that district. Our PA director, Brother Shongwe was also there and we met with him after the meeting with the District President to go over receipts from his previous months expenses, so we can get him reimbursed for PA expenses.
After that, we headed over to Elder and Sister Lombardi's home for dinner. They are always such great hosts and give us invites for dinner. Sister Lombardi is such a good cook that we look forward to getting a nice down-home meal. Southerlands were invited as well. I helped her by making the frosting for the cake she had already baked and for mixing up some cornbread. We had beef roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet and sour carrots, jello-fruit salad and cornbread. Chocolate cake and ice cream was for the Monday dessert. We were too full for dessert after a great meal.
After out great evening, we had to go back to our hotel for some much needed sleep. Once again, it was a good day.

Hey Mom, anytime you guys need something burned to DVD, let me know. I could create a custom list of talks, general conferences, etc and send it to you on a normal DVD so it will play in a DVD player. Or I could create a CD version for in the car or on a CD Player....