Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, May 24th- no water in flat...and possible termites

Today we tried to catch up on paperwork again and juggle dates. Everything is going on at once.
We went to the area office to have the Elders make some copies of the Sunday morning conference. We are making six DVDs to take to Uhkozi radio station here in Durban. They love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and especially the song, "Come, Come Ye Saints" which they sang at the end of the Sunday Morning Session, so we got the copies made and will take them to the station on Monday, as a gift from us. The cool thing is that they have to watch the entire morning session to get to that song they like. This was about 1 pm and the Elders that work in the area office helped us make all six DVDs at the same time...very cool machine. We then went to the mall for lunch and to find covers for our DVDs. We will put labels on the DVDs and put them in the cases to take to the radio station. I also had to look for a birthday card and present for Elder Kyle, so I split from him for an hour. I tried to be sly, but of course he knew exactly what I was doing. When we got back together, we found out that we had both found the cases for the DVDs, so we have plenty of extras now.

After we returned to our flat, we discovered that the water was not coming out of the faucet. Later that evening, when our neighbor returned home from work, he came over and told us that a water truck was coming to the road outside our gate to the duplex and if he wanted some water to hold us over until the water comes back on to bring and bucket and come and wait for the water truck. Your dad took a bucket and was gone an hour. I was starting to worry when he came back and said he was still waiting for the water truck with all our neighbors. Then he left again. I put dinner on hold and waited for him to appear with a bucket of water. When he did, we looked at each other and said, "This is Africa." This is our usual comment when something like this happens. Sometimes things seem so similar to America that we forget where we are, but then we go present at a school that is old and run down without air conditioning or enough desks for everyone, or our electricity goes out or our water stops running we realize that, "This is Africa."

We also found out today that our guestroom upstairs has these destructive worms that are eating the  wood joists that hold up the floor (kind of like termites). They are sending someone to check it out Monday and see about fixing it. The email letter warned us not to go in there as it is unsafe (Now they tell us). The next sentence in the email said get all furniture out of there. I wonder how we are going to do that if we don't go in there. ha. We spent the rest of the evening getting stuff out of that room that was in the closet small enough of us to carry. The bed and dresser are still in there. Someone else can move them. They may have to cut up the floor, spray chemicals and who knows what else. I don't know how we are going to live here while it is going on. We are sorting it out. After all, This is Africa.


  1. "This is Africa" :)

    You guys never have a dull moment there do you...LOL

    I wish I could give you a big hug and tell you how proud of you I am!


  2. Me and Pedro miss you sis hes still here with me.
