Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14 & 15th, off to Richard's Bay

Today we reluctantly said goodbye to Summerfields and Swaziland. We had a little time in the morning, so we spent the time actually walking around the Summerfield property. We have been here three days and have not had time to really enjoy this beautiful place. This has to be what the Garden of Eden looked like.

There are statues of wild animals, including impalas in the bushes, lions sunning themselves on rocks by a pool of water, giraffes eating from the trees, elephants and a hippo with his mouth wide open in the one of the many pools of water on the property.

There are beautiful birds, including several peacocks on the property. There are statues of children on a teeter totter and holding a bouquet of flowers, just to name a few.

There are covered decks over the many water features, waterfalls, fountains, beautiful trees, plants, flowers and stone walkways, some with beautiful thatched coverings. The restaurant has a huge fireplace and it expensively furnished with beautiful views. Breakfast is served in a beautifully decorated room surrounded by windows by two of the swimming pools. It's quite a spread.

All of the senior couples talk about staying there, because it is less than $100 per night for all of this wonder.

 But we must say goodbye and head off to Richard's Bay, which is a town about five hours from Swaziland, but two hours before we get to Durban, and is also on the water. We arrived in time for dinner with the senior missionaries there, the Jaegars. They met us in a restaurant on the bay that served great food. We got to hear about what was going on in Richard's Bay and had a great time getting to know each other.

Our very nice rounded stand alone room.
The following morning we walked around the area a little and then met District President Baldwin for lunch. He told us of some water problems that they were having in the poorer areas and how he had some miscommunications with humanitarian services and was concerned that he promised the church would help with this and he wasn't sure if they were going to. He also wants to them to agree to give away 60 wheelchairs to needy people there. We agreed to help him by talking to the people in Humanitarian Services if things did not go well in his meeting on the following Monday. He is a very nice man and we enjoyed talking with him and learning of his challenges and a bit of his family history in Africa. We then headed back to Durban...I didn't even get a glimpse of the ocean in daylight, but it was a good trip to Swazi and Richard's Bay. Above picture is the outside of our room at Summerfields in Swaziland - Swaziland and its people will always hold a place in our hearts.


  1. Oh my goodness! That place looks amazing! And you look so beautiful MOM!

    I hope you got to take it all on at least a little.

  2. nice place there and you look so happy to be there. OH> Pete said to tell you guys hello hes standing here with me
