Friday, May 24, 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday May 21 & 22nd -catching up in our flat office

Finally, we have some time in the office to get caught up. We are working on Lotus FM and the wheelchair giveaway program and trying to coordinate with the radio station, church humanitarian services and the wheelchair maker to find a date that will work for everyone. I read the applications for the people who need wheelchairs and their stories are so sad that I feel we need to get this done as soon as possible. Those people need their chairs! Oh well, I'm trying to be patient. It's a great thing the church is doing in conjunction with the radio station. They provided all the airtime and applications, etc. We are forming a great partnership with the Indian community.

We also had a conference call from Sean, our public affairs boss from the area office in Johannesburg. He wanted to talk about the David Glen Hatch concerts and firesides that will be happening in August. It is a big deal and we are trying to secure a venue here in Durban. It may be at the Ushaka Dolphin Arena downtown. Negotiations are going on to get their theatre and have a combinatin dolphin show and concert. We'll see how it goes. We also were coordinating the firesides with the Stake Presidents involved and there is some discussion about which chapel to use. We are sorting it out. Of course, we also have to do the same thing in Cape Town, another one of our areas.

We also worked on the Family History Fair for Duban and Hillcrest Stakes that will be held on June 29th. The PA council is working hard to advertise and make it a special event. Sister Smith is the expert and she is working hard on planning the program and getting the speakers. Invitations, flyers and Posters are also being worked on. Our Lady Smith history fair was cancelled, due to issues between two groups of historical people involved, but we can do something else later. This gives us more time to concentrate on the FH fair here. We will be going to Lady Smith for the ground breaking of their new building on June 13th. And we need to visit Cape Town the last week in June, as well as East London and Port Elizabeth on the same trip. This was not previously part of the Durban public affairs area, but it is now, so we need to meet the PA people and Stake Presidents.''

Things are happening here! Busy times, but all good.

1 comment:

  1. Concert with Dolphins? Geeze, you guys are becoming quite the event coordinators. Giving away wheelchairs with radio stations, concerts, family history fairs....WOW!

    You guys are truly amazing!
