Friday, May 3, 2013

Thursday-Friday, May 2 and 3rd - sewing machines for Zanele, Contract w Cape town, Lotus

We've been doing office work yesterday and today. We are working on getting some sewing machines for the Umlazi women, so they can learn to make their own clothes...perhaps a RS project. I asked Zanele, from Umlazi ward to write up why the church should get her four sewing machines, so she will give that to me Sunday at Stake Conference. If the church does not count this as a humanitarian project, we are thinking of maybe doing a service project with our relief society back home. Perhaps we can earn the money to pay for some sewing machines and materials for these ladies. I'll work on that after I see what she comes up with in her written document. We are also taking her some family enrichment program books for her program on helping families stay together in a moral environment.

We also have been sending the contract back and forth from Cape Town to the area office, regarding the David Glen Hatch concert. We are trying to book four concert halls for the events in August.

It's another beautiful day in paradise! Lotus FM called today and said they are ready for the group to get together to choose the wheelchair participants from the applications they received. In conjunction with the radios station's 30th year anniversary, we are giving away 30 wheelchairs. On Monday morning, we will choose the most needy applicants. They will have to fill out a form that will ask for their various measurements, so the wheelchair can be fitted to each body type. Then, on May 30 we will get together with the radio station and the participants and give them their chairs. People will be there to instruct them on how to use the chairs. Unfortunately for Elder Kyle, we will have to drive downtown Monday morning during rush hour traffic to get to the radio station.

A missionary couple that used to work in the country of Lesotho is coming back to visit and we may have an opportunity to meet the queen through them. Humanitarian aid is checking Lesotho as a possible spot to help with getting them fresh water and providing them with eye care (cataract surgery) by a doctor who will come here and do it for free. We meet amazing people all the time here that are willing to donate time, money and skills to help the Africans that need help...amazing.

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