Tuesday, we got our car ready to turn in. Elder Kyle cleaned it out and took out the GPS and other materials in the car, so we could trade it in for our new car, which was due Tuesday. Our car got clean, but the new one never showed up...that's Africa for you. We went to the grocery store and the bank and we had lunch again at the Italian restaurant. Elder Kyle gave the man the Bible and Book of Mormon and he was so pleased. He said, "You kept your promise," and his smile was wide with gratitude. One of the waitresses that we've seen a lot also seemed impressed. We've definitely made some friends there. Through our associations here, we've learned that there are things that seem okay in our country, but are very offensive here...for instance, you do not point your finger at anyone. That is considered demeaning (Like chastising your child). You also do not cup your hand and motion for someone to come over, as that is like calling your cattle. Elder Murdock did that once when he went to a remote area with some other couples to see a waterfall. They almost ran out of gas, so he pointed to one of the guys and then cupped his hand and motioned for him to come over. An older man on the sidelines came over and started yelling at Elder Murdock and was very angry. He didn't find out until we had the luncheon with our three PA guys that it was very offensive and he was lucky they did not hurt him...yikes. It is also rude to look someone in the eyes when you meet. You are supposed to look down. If you look them in the eyes it is saying that you are better than them. Also, you are supposed to use to hands if you give someone something or take it from them. It is considered very rude to take something with one hand. Sister Murdock gave candy to a little girl and she took it with one hand. Her mother made her give it back. When you shake hands you want to use two hands in the process to prove that you really care about the person. If a man puts his hand on the shoulder of another man, it means he thinks that man is beneath him, instead of a loving gesture in the US. We're learning.

Wednesday, we were working in our upstairs office here at the house and the trees were making lots of noise...sounded like someone was trimming branches off the trees, so we looked outside and there were dozens of monkeys jumping from branch to branch and tree to tree. We looked out of another window and there were dozens of mongoose on the ground digging for insects we think. Then we went downstairs and out the front door and a monkey jumped out of the tree on the ground right in front of me. I don't know who was startled more, me or the monkey, but I let out a little yelp and he took off. I took some pictures though of a brave one that came close to the window where I was taking photos. He was a little leery of the camera, but stayed there for awhile. They are making lots of noise today. It's a national holiday in Africa, so everyone is home from school and work. The apartment building next to us is having a party. The monkeys seem ready to party too and I saw them jump on the balcony where the music was playing loudly, but the patio door wasn't open, so he jumped back to the tree. I attached a couple of photos of the monkey party. Several monkeys were partying in the parking lot.

We've went to another couple's flat tonight for dinner. They came on their mission six months ago, but have to leave soon due to health issues. They are both close to 80 years old and this is their second mission to Africa! We had a lovely dinner, even though they said they were trying to get rid of food, because they are leaving in a few days. We then watched the movie again of the Black Pioneers in Africa. It was just as good the second time. This couple live on the 13th floor of a high-rise apartment building...quite a bit different from where we live. They have been working with the church education system to help blacks get an education...very interesting. Luckily we went with the Holts so we didn't have to drive. Ha.
Those are some pretty cool tips. I never would have even thought about those gestures being offensive. Good to know. Glad you guys aren't learning these the hard way!
ReplyDeleteCan you bring me home a monkey or two?
I want a monkey too haha